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                Operational Forecasting Suite

                Operational Forecasting Suite
                • Operational Forecasting Suite
                产品报价: 12030
                Operational Forecasting Suite

                Operational Forecasting Suite

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                The Operational Forecasting Suite gives you the ability to perform Time-series Forecasts and Statistical Analyses. Refer to the Strategic Forecasting Suite description for an explanation of the differences between Vanguard’s Operational and Strategic forecasting products.

                Time-series Forecasting
                Using historical performance data, such as sales, Vanguard applies a variety of techniques for finding trends and patterns that can be used to predict future performance. Vanguard’s mix of 21 forecasting algorithms, Wizard-style guides, and extensive data import/export features make Vanguard the forecasting tool of choice for companies around the world.

                Expert Quality Results - Automatically
                Many forecasting tools support the same basic forecast methods. Many even support automatic techniques for selecting a forecast method. However, choosing the wrong method or setting the method parameters incorrectly can cause a very good method to yield very poor results.

                What sets Vanguard apart from other forecasting tools is how we choose the optimal forecasting method and method parameters to give you the best possible forecast. Vanguard combines cutting-edge expert system technology with advanced analytic techniques such as:

                Outlier-rejection to reduce the impact of inconsistent data,
                Level-shift detection to account for changes in underlying business conditions,
                In-sample testing to evaluate competing methods,
                Fourier spectral analysis to identify seasonal patterns and business cycles,
                What’s most important is that all of this analysis is performed automatically in a fraction of a second. Let Vanguard focus on the math, you focus on the results!

                Interactive and Batch Operation
                Vanguard’s Forecast Wizard will guide you through all aspects of preparing a forecast. This includes importing your historical data, finding the best forecast methods, and preparing output reports. Forecasts can be run automatically (Vanguard chooses the best forecast method and parameters), semi-automatically (you choose the method and Vanguard chooses the optimal method-specific parameters), or manually (you choose the method and parameters).

                The Batch Forecast Wizard will automatically prepare forecasts for thousands of items at a time. The Batch Forecast Wizard is both extraordinarily fast and accurate.

                Data Import/Export
                Vanguard supports a wide variety of methods for integrating with your data and it can connect to virtually any business system, such as:

                Excel spreadsheets,
                Enterprise systems,
                Web applications, and
                Files (such as CSV).
                Vanguard also supports Web services (WSDL / SOAP), XML read/write, and other communications functions that allow you to build custom protocols.

                Most Accurate Forecasts
                With over 12 years of R&D into our forecasting technology, Vanguard produces the most accurate forecasts of any forecasting competitors.
                Click here to learn more.

                By combining accuracy and ease-of-use, many Vanguard customers use the Forecasting Add-in instead of the forecasting modules included with their expensive enterprise planning systems (such as Oracle and SAP) because Vanguard simply delivers better results at a fraction of the cost (and time).

                The Vanguard Operational Forecasting Suite is an integrated application including the following Vanguard System™ components:

                Vanguard Studio™
                Forecasting Add-in
                To compare this functionality to that of other Suites, refer to the Product Comparison Chart. For a detailed introduction to Vanguard’s forecasting products, refer to the Budgeting and Forecasting solutions page.
