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                Key/101 数据挖掘软件〒

                Key/101 数据挖掘软件
                • Key/101 数据挖掘软件
                产品报价: 12945
                Key/101 数据挖掘软件

                Key/101 数据挖掘软件

                如需本款软件的最终→价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                key/ 101解决方案很容易适应一个组织通过使用标准、通用设备的数据输入需要。在需要◆的时候,整合各种数据输入系统,提供单点控制。

                Key/ 101允许您调用用户在线编写的和批处理模∑式应用程序,为数据输入过程中,,在战略点的每一批的每个记录。出口很少是必要的,但他们可以添加额外的安全性和灵活性通过执行以下功能:






                System Overview

                Key/101 is a single software solution for integrating data input via IBM 370 architecture mainframes, personal computers, data capture devices such as bar code scanners, optical character readers and voice recognition equipment, and communication networks.

                Key/101 solutions easily fit the data input needs of an organization by using standard, general purpose equipment, integrating a wide range of data input systems when needed, and providing a single point of control.

                Elements of the Key/101 solution include:

                Easily customized formats—design your own data capture formats without programming.

                On-line access to all of Key/101’s features via 3270-compatible terminals, eliminating the cost of special, single-purpose equipment.

                Input flexibility—perform the data entry function on-line, with IBM 3270-compatible terminals, or off-line with a personal computer.

                Increased data input productivity and accuracy. Key/101 provides complete facilities for the capture, editing and verification, reformatting and transfer of data to each target application program, file or database.

                Increased overall data security. Multiple layers of security and control are designed into every part of the Key/101 system, including the ability to interface with third party security packages (RACF, ACF2, Top Secret, etc.).
                In short, the full range of Key/101’s processing capabilities provides cost-effective data capture, as well as improved control and user satisfaction.

                Features Overview

                Powerful applications

                Key/101 application building is simple and quick, and requires no programming support.

                Data input formats are independent of application programs. This means you can design input formats to match source documents for faster, more efficient and accurate data input.

                Automated functions in Key/101 simplify operation and help speed up the data input process.
                EasyLogic Facility

                Key/101’s EasyLogic Facility provides unlimited flexibility and power for customizing your data input applications.

                Conditional (inter-field) edits, user-defined messages, powerful math, and custom check-digit routines are just a few of its customizing features.
                Flexible Extract

                With Key/101, input and extract (output) formats are totally independent. This means you can reformat and extract data for immediate input to your applications program.

                On-Line Data Entry

                Key/101’s on-line data capture, validation, and storage of data is via 3270-compatible terminals, and accommodates simultaneous entry by multiple operators.
                Operators enter data quickly and easily, with fewer keystrokes and fewer errors.
                A separate verification mode can be assigned to fields for second-entry validation.
                Special commands help operators respond to unusual conditions. For example:
                Records that require supervisor attention can be marked for retrieval and correction.
                Records that are accidentally deleted can be reinstated.
                System and user-defined error messages can be listed for each field marked in error.
                Other on-line data entry features include:
                Automatic find and replace.
                Automatic batch edit.
                On-line job submit.
                Automatic recovery from system and terminal errors, interruptions or failures without loss of data.
                Fail-safe data file that prevents loss of data.
                Security and Control

                Security and control are an integral part of the design of every part of the Key/101 system.
                Multilevel security for each application, batch, supervisor, and operator guarantee authorized access only.
                Automatic restart and recovery features, fail-safe database, and positive audit trails help assure data integrity at each step of the input process.
                System security and control features include:
                Protection against unauthorized use and unexpected interruptions by security checks when operators sign on, and when applications are accessed.
                Restart capability independent of the terminal’s restart and recovery facilities.
                Privileged commands which activate sensitive, system-wide functions are accepted only from users signed on with valid supervisory codes.
                Backup of cancelled batches and ability to reinstate.
                User exits available to integrate existing high level security systems such as ACF2, RACF, and Top Secret.
                Maintenance and control features include:
                On-line reporting of the status and contents of active batches
                System status
                Operator activity
                Canceling and reinstating active batches on a selective basis
                Marking batches for extract processing on a selective basis
                User Exit Programs

                Key/101 allows you to invoke user-written on-line and batch-mode application programs for each record in a batch at strategic points in the data entry process. Exits are rarely needed, but they can add extra security and flexibility by performing such functions as:

                On-line file updates
                Database access
                Interfacing with a security system

                Key/101 provides a range of utilities for systems personnel.

                Batch Extract
                The extract utility let you extract all batches within applications which meet certain criteria, (e.g., Closed, Verified, Created Today, and Not Yet Extracted).
                You can also select specific batches by number and specify the size and format of extract records and the storage medium for output.
                The utility accepts a variety of execution-time parameters, including a wild card specification.
                Every extract run produces reports that tell you which batches and records were processed, extracted, and rejected.
                File Management and System Statistics: These utilities make it easy to administer and maintain the system.
                The utilities include comprehensive documentation so that you can evaluate the performance and efficiency of both applications and operators, or obtain billing information.
                File maintenance routines back up the system files, create audit trails, purge expired/cancelled/extracted batches, and reclaim disk space for use by new batches.
                The reporting utilities provide application and system status reports, as well as data entry statistics.
                Batch Load: Use the batch load utility to put batches of data into the Key/101 data file (as if the data had been keyed on-line) in a format suitable for reediting and subsequent extraction. This utility is especially useful when some of your input is performed by a data entry service, or when partial information can be generated by a program or non-keyed device and only certain fields need to be filled in.
                Format Display: The format display utility provides all of the information needed to integrate a user exit program within an application.
                Application Design Report: Use this utility to print documentation of applications and tables.
                BMS Format Display: The BMS format display utility allows you to define screens for your on-line application programs with Key/101’s Screen Painter, significantly reducing development time.
                Message Management: Message Management is a facility for calling Key/101 from a CICS application program to send and receive screens and edit data, significantly cutting development time.
                Customer Services

                Key/101 provides a full range of customer services, including customer support, education and training, professional services, and documentation.

                Customer Support

                The Key/101 Customer Support Center provides:

                Telephone hotline (systems, usage, and software solutions)
                Web support:- www.PhoenixSoftware.com/support.htm
                Email support:
                Software updates
                If you have a question about Key/101, please call the Support Center a 310-338-1011 or fax your request to 310-338-0801.

                Education and Training

                A wide range of education program options is available. Domestic on-site training, national training seminars, and self-study materials can provide a custom tailored approach to your education and training needs.

                Professional Services

                When you require additional expertise, a Professional Services Consultant can help your staff with system design, application development, and advanced training.


                Key/101 documentation provides complete information for Key/101’s installation and use. Manuals include:

                Installation Guides (z/OS, z/VSE, Stand-Alone, VM/CMS)
                On-line Data Entry Users Guide
                Batch Utilities Guide
                z/OS Security Guide
                General User Guide
                EasyLogic Reference Guide
                User Exits Programming Guide
