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                WinSTAT 统计软件

                WinSTAT  统计软件
                • WinSTAT  统计软件
                产品报价: 13247
                WinSTAT 统计软件

                WinSTAT  统计软件

                如需本款☆软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。


                A Wealth of Statistics Functions
                Can a program like WinSTAT compete with its "big brothers"?
                Convince yourself that WinSTAT offers the functionality you need by glancing through the function reference list. And yet WinSTAT isn’t overloaded with complicated options or command sequences. Everything you need can be specified via the easy-to-use menu and dialogs.
                One more reason to let WinSTAT handle your statistics needs.
                The Working Environment of Microsoft Office
                Do you work with Microsoft Office? Then you almost know WinSTAT for Excel!

                Have you experienced some of the following difficulties with other statistics programms?

                Troublesome data input: it often seems easier to enter the data using another program and then import. And still you have to fix things by hand. With every change of data the process starts over again.
                The calculations are correct, but what do you do with the numbers? They must either be printed or integrated into a report. With its printing problems and export problems your program just doesn’t seem to be state-of-the-art.
                Graphics can be created, but they can only be customized using compicated dialogs. Printing and exporting is even more of a problem.
                WinSTAT for Excel solves all of these problems!

                Input your data directly in Excel, or use one of the many import possibilites that Excel offers.

                Choose your statistics functions using the Add-In menu right in Excel. You never need to change programs.

                All results appear as Excel tables and Excel charts. You have all of Excel’s customizing features at your fingertips. Printing problems and export problems belong to the past. And integrating your results into a report is what Office is all about. You can copy to Word or Power Point and even dynamically link the results to your report.
                Freedom of Design through Self-made Templates
                All WinSTAT results appear as Excel tables and Excel graphics. At first, each kind of report has its own standard look.

                Now let your creativity show what it can do! You want to emphasize certain values using background colors or special fonts? You want to change the graphics colors and symbols for a presentation that reflects your design tastes? You want to insert your company logo? You have the entire power of Excel to customize your reports.

                The best news: Once you’ve found a report form you like, just store it as a template. The next time you want an analysis of the same type, just choose the desired template from the combo-box. That’s productivity!
                Fewer Steps to a Finished Report
                You know how long it can take to get from data entry to a report ready for printing. Do you often have to create a completely new report even though nothing has really changed except the input data? Or you would like to repeat an analysis using a subset of the original data? Even WinSTAT can’t do all the work for you the first time.

                But look what it can do the second time through by cutting five steps down to one
