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                教育装备□ 采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 信息化校园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                AssayZap V3.0 ( RIA、ELISA、IRMA检定分析软件)

                AssayZap V3.0 ( RIA、ELISA、IRMA检定分析软件)
                • AssayZap V3.0 ( RIA、ELISA、IRMA检定分析软件)
                产品报价: 12647
                AssayZap V3.0 ( RIA、ELISA、IRMA检定分析软件)

                AssayZap V3.0 ( RIA、ELISA、IRMA检定分析软件)

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                AssayZap是一种普遍的实验分析计算 器,它主要针对 RIA, ELISA, IRMA, 比色及其它类型的化学分析。它能够处理的数量高达 2^31。标准曲线可以被配备2个参数、4个参数、4个加权参数、或者是独特的手工互动装备,它可允许安装所有的不同形状的标准曲线。实验分析可以包含多 达2000支软管和四条标准曲线,每个可包含高达24个值。实验分析的要点可以通过标准⊙曲线间的插补结果来补充。

                AssayZap is a universal assay calculator for RIA, ELISA, IRMA, colorimetric or any other type of assay. Counts of up to 2^31 can be handled. Standard curves can be fitted by 2-parameter, 4-parameter or 4-parameter weighted fit, or by the unique interactive manual fit which permits all standard curves to be fitted, whatever their shape. Assays may include up to 2000 tubes and up to four standard curves, each of which can incorporate up to 24 values. Assay drift can be compensated by interpolation of results between standard curves.

                AssayZap can maintain a historical record for each assay, and enable the current standard curve and QCs to be compared with this and adjusted if necessary. AssayZap can process data from 96 and 384-well plate readers in any order: so assays can be set up to your own design.

                AssayZap includes communications routines permitting the computer to upload data directly from any instrument with a R232 or R422 interface. Translation commands are already incorporated for many LKB, Packard, Nuclear Enterprises, Titertek, Dynatech, Rack, Clinigamma, Multigamma, Gammamaster, Delfia, Labtek, Digitech, Wallac, Tracor, Bio-Tek and Biorad instruments. AssayZap also enables you to add additional translation commands to suit your machine if it is not currently supported. AssayZap can send a command to a plate reader or other instrument to initialize it and start an experiment. There is also a command-line system which allows AssayZap to be run from programs which you are writing yourself. Equipment manufacturers or IT specialists can thus integrate AssayZap fully into their own systems.

                Data can also be keyed in manually. Graphs can be saved as BMP or WMF files in Windows and results are in text format which can be pasted or imported to other programs. There is now a facility to automatically print out the results from each analysis when it is finished.

                Some of the New Features in AssayZap Version 3.0
                1. Command line options now enable AssayZap to be launched from other programs.
                2. More control of axis labels for the standard curves.
                3. Option to print out results automatically.
                4. Option to use 384 well plates for assays as well as 96 well plates.
                5. Option to enter a command which starts up a platereader or other equipment automatically. 6. Facility to create your own translation routines
