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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子㊣通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 频率及时间测量仪器 > 频率》计数器

                hp5370B 频率计

                hp5370B 频率计
                • hp5370B 频率计
                产品报价: 面议

                hp5370B 频率计

                hp5370B 频率计

                厂家: 美国惠普


                • Time Interval:Achieve 20 ps single-shot LSD on time intervals from 0 to 10 s, including negative time (in
                  which the STOP channel event occurs before the START channel event)
                • Frequency: Measure up to 100 MHz with 11 digits of resolution in 1 s. Choose gate times down to 1 period:
                  use 1 period with average mode and access the powerful statistics capabilities
                • Period: Measure period average from 1 to 100 k samples
                • Statistics: Reduce external computations, reduce random errors, and improve measurement throughput
                • Sample size: Select 1, 10, 1 k, 10 k or 100 k samples from the front panel, or 1 to 65,536 samples over HP-
                • For the selected sample size, you can compute:
                  Standard Deviation
                • Flexible Arming and Gating: +TI or +±TI with internal or external arming, with or without external hold-off
                • Full HP-IB Programming and Fast Data Output: Up to 800 readings/s in fast binary mode -- 125 µs dead
                  time 10 to 20 readings/s fully formatted -- 330 µs dead time

                Time Interval Measurement

                • Range
                  ±TI: -10 to +10 s, including zero
                  +TI: 10 ns to 10 s
                • Resolution: Measurement resolution depends on input signal noise and slew rate.
                • Accuracy: Time-interval measurement accuracy is influenced by internal systematic uncertainties, trigger-
                  level timing error for each trigger edge, and timebase aging in addition to resolution or random uncertainties.
                • Careful calibration with the HP J06-59992A time interval calibrator and averaging will result in accuracies to ±100 ps.

                Frequency and Period Measurement

                • Range
                  Frequency: 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz
                  Period: 10 ns to 10 s
                • Resolution: Measurement resolution depends on input signal noise as well as measurement gate time.
                • Accuracy: Accuracy is influenced by internal certainties, timebase againg, and noise on the input signal.
                  Periodic timebase calibration minimizes uncertainty due to timebase aging. Internal uncertainties and
                  noise effects may be reduced by selecting longer gate times, or by averaging results.
                The Agilent 5370B precison time-interval universal counter offers unsurpassed single-shot resolution and a microprocessor-based design for versatile measurement and complete statistical characterization capabilities. The exceptional single shot resolution is achieved by a unique phase-lockable-phase-startable oscillator, used with a digital vernier interpolation scheme that eliminates the ± count quantization error present in most time-interval counters. Statistical functions include mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation within the selected sample size.

                The 5370B allows both positive and negative time interval measurements that are useful for differential phase measurement. Other features include automatic calibration of systematic errors and easy display of triggers. Performance, automation, and ease of use make the 5370B the premier time interval measurement counter for applications in component testing, radar/laser ranging, nuclear systems, calibrations labs, computer peripherals testing, digital communications (jitter analysis), and IC tester verification.

                • 20 ps single-shot least significant digit (LSD) time interval measurement
                • Versatile arming allows extensive choices of measurement times and modes
                • User-defined time reference
                • Statistical functions help characterize jitter


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