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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 示波器

                模拟示波器 100MHz V-1050F

                模拟示波器 100MHz  V-1050F
                • 模拟示波器 100MHz  V-1050F
                产品报价: 面议

                模拟示波器 V-1050F

                100MHz/0.5mv/2ns/双踪 双时基扫描

                厂家: 日本日立
                尺寸: 32×19×42cm
                重量: 11kg

                ●示波管 Hitach 15OBNB31

                Screen type : P31 phosphor standard

                内刻度 自动聚焦


                DC-coupled, positive—going signal decreases

                intensity: 5Vp-p

                Signal causes noticeable modulation at normal intensity: DC to 3.5MHz.

                Input impedance: Approximately 15 kΩ

                Maximum input voltage: 20 V (DC + AC peak)

                Coupling: DC

                ●VERTICAL  DEFLECTION  (2 Identical Channels)

                Bandwidth and Rise time

                DC to at least 100MHz and rise time 3.5ns or less. DC to at least 5MHz and rise time 7Ons c less at magnifier extends.

                Lower -3dB point, AC coupling 10Hz or less.

                Deflection Factor

                5mV/div to 5V/div in 10 calibrated steps, 1-2-5 sequence. Uncalibrated continuous control extends deflection factor to at least 12.5 Volt per division in the 5 Volts/div position. x10 magnifier increases sensitivity of each deflec­tion factor setting to 500V/div.


                xl  ±2% (+10°C to +35°C)   ±4% (0°C to +50°C)

                x10 ±3% (+10°C to +35°C)   ±5% (0°C to +50°C)

                Additional error for magnifier ±1% Display modes: CH1, CH2 (normal or invert), Alternate, Chopped (250kHz rate), Added

                Input Impedance: 1M ohm ±1.5% in naraHel with 2.8nF ±3PF

                Maximum Input Voltage: 250V (DC + AC peak) or 500Vp-p AC at 1kHz or less

                Input coupling: AC-GND-DC

                Delay Line: Permits viewing leading edge of display waveform.

                Four-trace Display (TRIG VIEW)

                Display simultaneously channel 1, channel 2, channel 3 (A EXT TRIG signal), channel 4 (B EXT TRIG signal).

                The deflection factor of channel 3 and channel 4 is approx. 200mV/DIV.

                • Sensitivity  INT:  1/1 ± 30% of screen area

                EXT: 0.2 V/DIV ± 30%

                • Frequency band  EXT: DC to 70 MHz (-3dB)

                • Position  CH3: Horizontal 100% graticule line of screen ± 1 div (trigger level knob is set at the center). CH4: Horizontal 0% graticule line of screen ± 1 div.


                Time Base A

                20ns/DIV to 0.5s/DIV in 23 calibrated steps, 1-2-5 sequence. Uncalibrated continuous control extends deflection factor to at least 1.25 seconds per division in the 0.5 s/DIV position. x10 mag extends fastest sweep rate to 2ns/DIV.

                Time Base B

                20ns/DIV to 50ms/DIV in 20 calibrated steps 1-2-5 sequence. x10 mag extends fastest sweep rate to 2ns/DIV.

                Accuracy: ±2% (+10°C to +35°C); ±4% (0°C to +50°C)

                Additional error for magnifier +2%.

                A sweep variable: Present

                Horizontal Display Modes: A only, A intensified, Alternate, B delayed, X-Y operation.

                Delayed sweep position  adjustment: 1 div or less - 10 div or more

                Delay Time Jitter: Better than 1:20,000

                ●TRIGGERING A AND B

                A Trigger Modes: Automatic, Normal, Single sweep, TV (TV-H or TV-V)

                A Trigger Hold-off: Adjustable control permits a stable presentation of repetitive complicated waveform.

                A Trigger Source: Internal (Ch1, Ch2), Line, External, External ÷10

                A Trigger Slope: + or –

                TV Sync Polarity: TV(+) or TV(-)

                Triggering level variable range: For both A and B.

                Internal;±4div or more

                External; approximately ±1V

                External÷10; approximately ±10V

                Triggering sensiti- For both A and B. However, vity and frequency ( ) is only for B

                Frequency   Internal  External  External÷10
                DC(30Hz)-10MHz  0.3div  50mV  500mV
                10MHz -100MHz  1.5div  150mV  1.5V

                TV-V sensitivity:  SYNC section less than 0. 7div or 200mV

                AUTO low band :   Approximately 30Hz (When Time Base A is 2Ons/DIV to 2ms/DIV)

                A Trigger Coupling

                AC : 30Hz to full bandwidth

                HF REJ: attenuates signals below approx 4kHz

                LF REJ: attenuates signals above approx 4kHz

                DC : 0 to full bandwidth

                A External Trigger Input Impedance

                1M ohm +20% in parallel with 28PF +6PF (However setting HF REJ and LF REJ are not included.)

                Maximum Input Voltage: 250V (DC + AC peak at 1kHz or less); 500Vp-p AC at 1kHz or less

                B Trigger Modes and Source: Automatic, Normal (Ch1, Ch2, External)

                B Trigger Slope: + or -

                Trigger Coupling: AC only; 30Hz to full bandwidth

                ●X-Y OPERATION (CH1; Horiz. CR2; Vert.)

                Deflection Factor

                Same as vertical deflection


                Y: ±2% (+10°C to +35°C), ±4% (0°C to +50°C)

                X: ±5% (+10°C to +35°C), ±7% (0°C to +50°C)

                X-Bandwidth: DC to at least 2MHz

                Phase Error: 3°or less from DC to 2MHz

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