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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产◣品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 示波器

                存储☉示波器100 MHz TEK 2232

                存储示波→器100 MHz  TEK 2232
                • 存储示波器100 MHz  TEK 2232
                产品报价: 面议
                TEK 2232 (TEK2232)

                存储示波器 TEK 2232
                厂家: 美国泰克
                尺寸: 14x36x44cm
                重量: 8.2kg

                数字模式 模拟模式 两用
                带宽 100 MHz
                采样率 100 MS/s
                垂直灵敏度 2mv - 5v /div
                任意扫速 10 ns 毛刺捕捉
                记录长度 可选 1K 或 4K
                Point-Selectable Pre/Post Triggering
                通讯接口 RS-232C
                Sample Rate: 100 MS/s per channel. Effective sample rates up to 2 GS/s in repetitive storage mode (0.5 µs/div and faster in single-channel mode, 0.2 µs/div and faster dual-channel).

                Resolution: Vertical: 8-Bits (25 levels per division), up to 12-Bits in average mode. Horizontal: 10-Bits (100 points per division), 9-Bits per channel in dual channel mode.

                Record Length: 4K or 1K selectable. 2K or 512 per channel in dual channel mode.

                Pre/Post Trigger: 1/8, 1/2, or 7/8 trigger position selectable, point-selectable via menu.

                Acquisition Modes: Peak Detect (10 ns glitch capture at all available sweep speeds); Accumulated Peak Detect; Average (weight-selectable from 1/1 to 1/256 in a binary sequence); and Sample.

                Save Reference Memory: One 4K or three 1K acquisitions. Battery-backed memory stores waveforms for up to 3 years.

                Additional: 26K of extended memory (store up to 26 waveform sets).

                Bandwidth (-3 dB) and Rise Time: 100 MHz and 3.5 ns (0 to +35 degrees C); 80 MHz and 4.4 ns (2 mV/div or +35 to +50 degrees C).

                Deflection Factor and Accuracy: 2 mV/div to 5 V/div ± 2% (+15 to +35 degrees C); ± 3% (0 to +50 degrees C).

                Vertical Operating Modes: CH 1, CH 2, CH 2 INVERT, ADD, ALT, CHOP (500 kHz), and XY.

                CMRR: At least 10:1 at 50 MHz.

                Input R and C: 1 Megohm 20 pF.

                Max Input Voltage: 400 V (DC + peak AC), 800 V p-p.

                Channel Isolation: 100:1 at 50 MHz.

                Sweep Speeds: A sweep: 0.5 s/div to 0.05 µs/div, extended to 5 ns/div with X10 magnification. 5 s/div to 0.05 µs/div in store mode.

                Additional: B Sweep: 50 µs/div to 0.05 µs/div.

                Accuracy: Nonstore Mode: X1: ± 2%; X10: ± 3% (+15 to +35 degrees C). X1: ± 3%; X10: ± 4% (0 to +50 degrees C). Store Mode: ± 0.1% over full 10.24 divisions.

                Horizontal Operating Modes: Nonstore Mode: A, ALT (A intensified by B and B), B. Store Mode: A, A intensified by B, B, 4K COMPRESS.

                Delay Jitter: 5000:1.

                Delay Time Accuracy: ± 1% (+15 to +35 degrees C); ± 2% (0 to +50 degrees C).

                Trigger Sensitivity (A and B):
                Internal: 0.35 div at 10 MHz, 1.5 div at 100 MHz.
                External: 40 mV at 10 MHz, 150 mV at 100 MHz.

                Trigger Operating Modes: A-Mode: P-P AUTO (also for TV LINE), NORM, TV FIELD, SGL SWP.

                Additional: B-Mode: Runs-After-Delay, Triggered-After-Delay.

                Trigger Source: A Trigger: VERT MODE, CH 1, CH 2, LINE, EXT.

                Additional: B Trigger: VERT MODE, CH 1, CH 2.

                Trigger Coupling:
                With Internal Source: AC with P-P AUTO, TV LINE, or TV FIELD mode; DC with NORM or SGL SWP mode.
                With external source: AC, DC, or DC/10. With either source: HF REJECT (attenuates above 40 kHz), LF REJECT (attenuates below 40 kHz).

                Variable Holdoff: At least 10:1.

                X-Y 模式
                Deflection Factors: Same as vertical system.

                X-Axis: 2.5 MHz in nonstore mode, up to 100 MHz in store mode.
                Y-Axis: same as vertical system.

                Phase Difference: ± 3 degrees from DC to 150 kHz.

                Cursor Function and Accuracy: DeltaVolts: ± 3% of reading. DeltaTime: ± 1 display interval (5 s/div to 1 µs/div); ± [2 display intervals +500 ps] (0.5 µs/div to 0.05 µs/div).

                X-Y Plotter Output: Plots all displayed waveforms, CRT readout, and graticule (selectable).

                External Clock Input: DC to 1 kHz (roll mode), DC to 100 kHz (record mode).

                ANSI/IEEE-488 GPIB Interface (Opt. 10): Function Subsets Implemented: SH1, AH1, T5, L3, SR1, RL2, PP0, DC1, DT0, C0, E2. Plotter Devices: HPGL, Epson FX-Series, HP ThinkJet. Data Transfer Rate: approximately 1 KB.

                EIA Std RS-232C Interface (Opt. 12): Baud Rate: 50 to 2400 for interactive use, up to 4800 for driving plotters. Plotter Devices: HPGL, Epson FX-Series, HP ThinkJet. Connectors: DCE (female), DTE (male).

                Display: 8 cm x 10 cm, 14 kV nominal voltage.


                Additional: B INTENSITY.

                Z-Axis: 5 V causes noticeable modulation. Usable to 20 MHz.


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