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                教育装备采】购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 频率々及时间测量仪器

                频率计 HP 5316B

                频率计 HP 5316B
                • 频率计 HP 5316B
                产品报价: 面议
                HP 5316B (HP5316B)

                频率计 HP 5316B

                The Agilent 5316B is a low-cost, high-performance universal counter offering frequency, period, time interval, ratio, and totalize measurements. Unique counting circuitry delivers the best of both reciprocal and conventional frequency counting. Programmable functions include all measurement modes, plus trigger level and trigger slope controls.

                The 5316B is encased in high-quality metal that meets strict standards for electromagnetic compatibility, making it suited to applications such as low-level receiver or high-power transmitter testing. With standard HP-IB interfacing, 5316B is suited for ATE system design or other environments where interference from other equipment is a concern.

                An optional 1-GHz C channel extends the frequency range for navigations and communications applications. A high-stability oven oscillator can also be added for higher accuracy in demanding environments.

                • Frequency range (channel A: 0.1Hz to 100MHz
                • Period range: 10 ns to 105 sec
                • Time interval range is 100 ns to 105 sec
                • Ratio range is 0.1Hz to 100MHz (both channels)
                • Totalize range is DC to 100MHz
                • HP-IB provides programmable functions and control
                • 8-digit LED Display for superior resolution
                • Option 004: High-Stability Timebase
                • Exceptional resolution at both low and high frequencies
                • Three time-interval modes solve more problems
                • Flexible signal conditioning optimized for both frequency and time-interval measurements
                • Selectable gate time from 60 ms to 10 s
                • 100 MHz A and B input channels, Optional 1 GHz C channel
                • Full frequency range (to 100 MHz) on both input channels
                • Proven reliability and excellent RFI protection
                • Exceptional Resolution
                • Below 10 MHz, the counter measures the input signal period, then computes and displays the reciprocal frequency with 7 digits of resolution in one second for signals as low as 0.1 Hz. Above 10 MHz, the counter automatically performs as a conventional counter.
                • Three Modes
                • The HP 5316B offers 100 ns single-shot time-interval resolution. Time-interval averaging boosts performance to 10 ps resolution. A time-interval delay ignores spurious signals that would normally cause the counter to trigger.
                • Flexible Conditioning
                • Choose ac or dc coupling, a sensitivity control (variable attenuator), and a switchable low-pass filter. Both channels have trigger level controls with easy setting. 
              2. 其它仪表
              3. 其它
              4. 数据采集/仪表通讯控制
              5. 记录仪
              6. 出租维修收购
              7. 仪器设备收购
              8. 仪器设备出租
              9. 仪器设备维修
              10. 信号发生♂器
              11. 低频信号源
              12. 噪声发生器
              13. 函数信号源
              14. 脉冲信号源
              15. 高频信号源
              16. RF信号发生器
              17. 元件测试
              18. 半导体特性测试
              19. LCR测量仪
              20. 电容耐压测试
              21. 逻辑分析仪
              22. 示波器/示波表
              23. 手持示波表
              24. 数字示波器
              25. 模拟☉示波器(100兆及以上...
              26. 模拟示波器(60兆以下)
              27. 射频功卐率计
              28. 无线电综合测试仪
              29. 时间频率测量
              30. 电秒表
              31. 时间间隔测量仪
              32. 计数器/频率计
              33. 高稳频率标准
              34. 万用表电压表★电流表
              35. 音频/视频
              36. 其他
              37. 失真仪抖晃仪
              38. 音频分析仪
              39. 音频发生器
              40. 视频分析仪
              41. 矢量示波器/波形监视器
              42. 电视信号发生器/视频图像...
              43. 扫频仪,网络分析仪
              44. 电源、电子负载
              45. 电子负载
              46. 交流电源
              47. 直流电源
              48. 通信测试
              49. 安规测试(耐压泄露绝▅缘接...
              50. 标准电阻/电容/电感
              51. 探头/测试线
              52. 频谱,场强,功率
              53. 射频功率计
              54. 场强仪
              55. 低频频谱仪
              56. 频谱分析仪
              57. 热门产品