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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 电子通信测量仪器及虚拟仪器 > 通信仪表

                数字传输分析仪 HP 3764A

                数字传输分析仪 HP 3764A
                • 数字传输分析仪 HP 3764A
                产品报价: 面议
                HP 3764A (HP3764A)

                数字传输分析仪 HP 3764A

                Digital Transmission Analyzer

                厂家: 美国惠普

                The HP 3764A can generate coded data at pre-selected Bit rates or Binary Data in the range 1 kbit/s to 170 Mbit/s. Jitter Generation can be configured to generate Jittered, CMI coded or Binary Data at 139.264 Mbit/s. Features a HB-IP connecter.
                  Digital transmission tester functions as a transmitter / receiver set to perform error analysis. Data formats include CMI format at 139 Mb/s; HDB3 format at 34, 8 & 2 Mb/s binary-RZ format from 1 kb/s to 150 Mb/s; NRZ from 1 kb/s to 170 Mb/s. ECL outputs 75 ohm unbalanced. Measurements include error count, error ratio, error seconds, error-free seconds, % unavailability errored seconds, % severely-errored seconds, and % degraded minutes analysis. HP-IB. Error analysis at 2, 8, 34 and 139 Mb/s Internal printer Error analysis per CCITT G.821
                  The Agilent HP 3764A is a used Digital Transmission Analyzer that analyzes the error performance of high speed digital transmission systems. Full 140 Mb/s error measurement, jitter generation and measurement, portable single unit construction.

                • Error analysis at 2, 8, 34 & 139 Mbit/s based on the latest G.821 recommendation
                  or error & jitter measurment and analysis at 139 Mbit/s only
                • Powerful data logging facilities
                • Single key measurement set-up using preset memory
                • Portable single-unit construction
                • Internal printer

                Generator Section
                Clocks: opt 001, 139.264, 34.368, 8.448 & 2.048 MHz
                Data Outputs:
                Receiver Section
                Recovered Clock: 139.264 Mbit/s ± 3 Mbit/s; 34, 8, 2 Mbit/s ± 100 ppm
                Binary Clock: 1 kHz to 170 MHz

              2. 其它仪表
              3. 其它
              4. 数据采集/仪表通讯控制
              5. 记录仪
              6. 出租维修■收购
              7. 仪器设备收购
              8. 仪器设备出租
              9. 仪器设备维修
              10. 信◥号发生器
              11. 低频信号源
              12. 噪声发生器
              13. 函数信号源
              14. 脉冲信号源
              15. 高频信号源
              16. RF信号发生器
              17. 元件测试
              18. 半导体特性测试
              19. LCR测量仪
              20. 电容耐压测试
              21. 逻▓辑分析仪
              22. 示波器/示波表
              23. 手持示波表
              24. 数字示波器
              25. 模拟示波器(100兆及以上...
              26. 模拟示波器(60兆以下)
              27. 射频功率计
              28. 无线电综合测试仪
              29. 时间频率测量
              30. 电秒表
              31. 时间间隔测量仪
              32. 计数器/频率计
              33. 高稳频率标准
              34. 万用表电压表电流表
              35. 音频/视频
              36. 其他
              37. 失真仪抖∑晃仪
              38. 音频分析仪
              39. 音频发生器
              40. 视频分析仪
              41. 矢量示波器/波形监视器
              42. 电视信号发生器/视频图像...
              43. 扫频仪,网络分析仪
              44. 电源、电子负载
              45. 电子负载
              46. 交流电源
              47. 直流电源
              48. 通信测试
              49. 安规测试(耐压泄露绝缘接...
              50. 标准电阻/电容/电感
              51. 探头/测试线
              52. 频谱,场强,功率
              53. 射频功率计
              54. 场强仪
              55. 低频频谱仪
              56. 频谱分析仪
              57. 热门产品