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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 >

                选频电压表HP3586B 50Hz - 108kHz(600Ω平衡)

                选频电压表HP3586B   50Hz - 108kHz(600Ω平衡)
                • 选频电压表HP3586B   50Hz - 108kHz(600Ω平衡)
                产品报价: 面议

                选频电压表 HP3586C




                50Hz - 32.5MHz(50/75Ω非平衡)
                50Hz - 108kHz(600Ω平衡)

                The HP 3586C selective level meter finds applications in general- purpose wave analysis for the design, manufacture, and maintenance of electronic systems. The HP 3586C is fully HP-IB programmable and covers the frequency range of 50 Hz to 32.5 MHz. This allows you to measure audio, sonar, and other low-frequency systems, as well as high-frequency communications subsystems. The HP 3586C provides input impedances of 50,75,and 600 fa with 10 kfl bridging for maximum measurement flexibility in a wide variety of applications. Measure signal levels with up to ± 0.2 dB accuracy down to --80 dB, with 0.01 dB resolution and bandwidth choices of 20,400,or 3100 Hz. The built-in counter and narrow-resolution bandwidths allow harmonic and intermodulation measurements to be made with ease. Frequency can be set or measured with 0.1 Hz resolution and 10 ppm stability (± 0.2 ppm optional). For frequency response measurement of high-Q filters and other selective networks, the companion HP 3336C synthesizer/level generator (sold separately) functions as a full-featured, HP-IB programmable tracking generator.

                The HP 3586C selective Level Meter is designed for precise frequency selective measurements such as harmonic level and distortion measurements. Examples are LF, medium frequency amplifier and audio amplifier measurements, non-harmonic spurious testing, and production testing. The HP3586C is a precise spectrum analyzer without sweep. Possible also a selectable wideband RMS measurement

                • +20 to -130dBm measurement range
                • 0.01 dB ! amplitude resolution
                • Input Impedance 50, 75, 10k Ohm unbalanced 200-32.5 MHz
                • Input Impedance 600 Ohm bridged 100 Hz to 100 kHz
                • some ranges are usable over wider frequencies ranges than specified
                • noise level about -115dBm
                • Intermodulation Distortion 2nd and 3rd order in band: separation 20k-1M and both tones 78dB below full scale

                Together with a HP 3336B sythesizer you can do automatic measurements with or without a computer. Connecting a simple GPIB cable between the instruments, the generator will lock automatically to the adjusted analyzer frequency. The service manual consist of several hundred pages and the instruments weight is about 20kg. The sister modell HP 3586A/B has other input impedances and is more designed for telecommunication applications.

                Wideband power measurements can be made up to 32.5MHz and down to -45 dBm. Measure selectivity in LO Distortion or LO Noise modes or use USB or LSB for single sideband demodulation of a carrier.

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              10. 信号发生∩器
              11. 低频信号源
              12. 噪声发生器
              13. 函数信号源
              14. 脉冲信号源
              15. 高频信号源
              16. RF信号发生器
              17. 元件测试
              18. 半导体特性测试
              19. LCR测量仪
              20. 电容耐压测试
              21. 逻辑分析仪
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              23. 手持示波表
              24. 数字示波器
              25. 模拟示波器(100兆及以上...
              26. 模拟示波器(60兆以下)
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              30. 电秒表
              31. 时间间隔测量仪
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              36. 其他
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              38. 音频分析仪
              39. 音频发生器
              40. 视频分析仪
              41. 矢量示波器/波形监视器
              42. 电视信号发生器/视频图像...
              43. 扫频仪,网络分析仪
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