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                • mathematica正版软件代理
                产品报价: 13500

                Mathematica 9 新增400多个函数,对57个应用领域的功能进行了增强或改进。功能亮点包括:
                 * 新增 Wolfram 预测界面,这是对 Mathematica 导航和查询功能的极大改进,也是 Wolfram 所倡导的 Compute-as-You-Think(让计算随心所欲)理念的一部分
                 * 新增图与网络分析功能,包括 Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter 等社交网站的内置链接
                 * 高度集成的单位支持,包括在图形和数值以及符号式计算中的自由格式语言输入、单位换算和量纲一致性检查

                * 新╳增数据科学、概率和统计的重要功能,包括生存性和可靠性分析、马尔可夫链、排队论、时间序列以及随机微分方程等 
                 * R 语言完全集成入 Mathematica 的工作流程♂,从而实现数据和代码的无缝交流
                 * 三维立体图像处理以及核外技术,将性能拓展到非常大的二维和三维图像及视频
                 * 集成的模拟和数字信号处理

                引入 Wolfram 预测界面通过预测您下一步的操作,优化工作流中浏览和探索各种功能。
                某个计算一】旦完成,您将得到关于↘下一步操作的最优化建议。按下按钮即可运行一个新函数,或者弹出互动向导。这是一个『全新的界面模式,帮助您在 Mathematica 系统


                与 Mathematica 完美的文档系统集成,实现对 Mathematica 各种函数、选项和其他元素的智能化自动补全和突出显示。

                mathematica9.0高度集成了超过 4,500 种单位—包括在图形和数值以及符号式计算上的自由格式语言输↑入、单位换算和量纲一致性检查。 


                企业版 CDF 的部署  
                全新的 Mathematica 企业版 具备直接的 CDF 部署功能,以及运行时间的实ㄨ时数据和其他增强功能。预览模式模拟 CDF Player 和 Wolfram Player Pro。  
                mathematica9.0提供对随时间随机演变的系统进行建模的广义框架,并且支持仿真、估计、切片 分布和均值以及协方差函数。  



                与 R 的内置集成  
                mathematica9.0把 R 代ζ 码集成到您的 Mathematica 工作流中,在 Mathematica 和 R 之间交换数据,并且从 Mathematica 内部执行 R 代码。包含 R runtime 的自动下载功能。  




                使用核外技术,Mathematica 9 在相当大的二维和三维立体图像中也具有▅卓越的性能。  

                HDR 图像支持  
                mathematica9.0导入高动态范围(HDR)图像和颜色配置文件数据,以及改进的 JPEG 和 PNG 格式的支持╲。  

                信号(声音、图像和多维数据)的滤波和分析,以及交互式滤波器的即时设计和部署。支持 SystemModeler。    

                mathematica9.0创建包括时间延迟和代数方程的→模型,并且可以与 Mathematica 的全套控制系统工具一起使用。自动创建 PID 控制器,以满足您的设计标准。  




                向量分析支持,包括向量微积分和坐标Ψ 系统   


                全面的客户端网页访问,以与远程服务器交换数据,与网页 API 交互。AJAX 样式编程的异步接。   




                What Is Mathematica?
                Almost any workflow involves computing results, and that’s what Mathematica does—from building a hedge-fund trading website or publishing interactive engineering textbooks, to developing embedded image-recognition algorithms or teaching calculus.
                Mathematica is renowned as the world’s ultimate application for computations. But it’s much more—it’s the only development platform fully integrating computation into complete workflows, moving you seamlessly from initial ideas all the way to deployed individual or enterprise solutions.

                Suggestions BarThe Suggestions Bar is a new interface paradigm that lets you navigate and discover functionality throughout the Mathematica system. As soon as you finish a computation, you will get optimized suggestions about what to do next. Evaluate a new function or bring up an interactive wizard at the press of a button.

                Context-Sensitive Input Assistant
                The Input Assistant will help you automatically complete code, discover functions and options, and reduce oversights and typographical errors while coding. Experts will appreciate familiar concepts like auto-completion, code templates, and dynamic highlighting, while beginners will benefit from quick documentation access for any function and visualizations to better understand the structure of Mathematica’s code.

                Social Network Analysis
                Drawing on Mathematica’s strong graph and network capabilities, Mathematica 9 introduces a complete and rich set of state-of-the art social network analysis functions. Access to social networks from a variety of sources, including directly from social media sites, and high level functions for community detection, cohesive groups, centrality, and similarity measures make performing network analysis tasks easier and more flexible than ever before.

                Mathematica 9 introduces a new unit system containing thousands of different units, all integrated with Wolfram|Alpha’s sophisticated unit interpretation system. From unit conversion to dimensional analysis, Mathematica provides you with all the tools you need to work with, and extract properties from, units and quantities. Mathematica also includes integration for Quantity in system functions, including numeric and symbolic calculations, statistics, and visualizations.

                Enterprise CDF Deployment
                Mathematica 9 streamlines Computable Document Format (CDF) authoring. New preview modes emulate Wolfram CDF Player and Wolfram Player Pro directly in Mathematica—letting you verify your deployed content within your development environment. An updated CDF Web Deployment Wizard eases deployment to the web and allows deployment of CDFs with enhanced capabilities for enterprise applications.

                Random Processes
                Mathematica 9 adds broad support for random processes, which model systems that evolve over time in a random rather than deterministic fashion, but where states that are near in time are dependent. Random processes, like distributions, are symbolic expressions and can be simulated or estimated from data, and the value of a process at any point in time is a distribution and can be fully used as a distribution. Mathematica 9 fully supports a large number of random processes with some larger groups including parametric processes, finite Markov processes, queueing processes, time series processes and stochastic differential equation processes

                Markov Chains and Queues
                Mathematica 9 provides fully automated support for discrete-time and continuous-time finite Markov processes and for finite and infinite queues and queueing networks with general arrival and service time distributions. The symbolic representation of these processes in Mathematica makes it easy to query for common process properties, visualize the process, simulate process paths, perform parameter estimation, do probability operations on time slices, and compute the stationary distribution and first passage time distribution. The seamless integration with Mathematica’s powerful hybrid symbolic-numeric computation engine makes modeling real-world Markov and queueing examples easier and more flexible than ever before.

                Time Series and Stochastic Differential Equations
                Mathematica 9 adds extensive support for time series and stochastic differential equation (SDE) random processes. A full suite of scalar and vector time series models, both stationary or supporting polynomial and seasonal components, is included. Time series models can easily be simulated, estimated from data, and used to generate forecasts. Both parametric and fully general Ito or Stratonovich processes can be used to specify SDE processes. SDE processes can easily be simulated numerically and a number of properties can also be computed symbolically.
                Mathematica 9 adds complete functionality for reliability analysis to its already powerful probability and statistics capabilities. All common system structures such as series, parallel, -out-of-, and consecutive -out-of-, as well as general configurations, can be analyzed with symbolic and numeric methods. Warm, cold, and mixed standby systems are supported. A full suite of importance measures helps pinpoint the most important subsystems to improve for increased system reliability. The related survival analysis capabilities provide component models from censored data as would typically be the result from field tests or accelerated tests.

                Survival Analysis
                Mathematica 9 provides fully automated, broad-ranging support for handling censored and truncated data, optimized parametric and nonparametric survival modeling frameworks, and a range of generalized hypothesis-testing functions, such as weighted log rank, Wald, likelihood ratio, and score tests. The seamless integration with Mathematica’s powerful hybrid symbolic-numeric computation engine makes performing survival analysis tasks easier and more flexible than ever before.

                Enhanced Probability & Statistics
                Mathematica 9 adds numerous extensions and improvements to its already very strong capabilities in probability and statistics. These include additional parametric distributions, faster nonparametric distributions, additional and generalized derived and formula distributions. A new type of descriptive statistics for measuring dependence among components for multivariate data and distributions has been added, as well as a corresponding set of hypothesis tests. The ability to associate weights with data points allows most data-oriented functions to provide weighted estimators, including descriptive statistics, nonparametric, and parametric distribution estimators. Performance improvements are available across the board.

                Enhanced Graphs and Networks
                Mathematica 9 adds numerous extensions and improvements to its already very strong capabilities in graphs and networks. New capabilities, including the ability to compute network flows, find graph cuts and partitions, and automatically visualize groups of vertices and bundle edges. Additional graph distributions, tours, and graph layouts extend a large collection of features. Performance improvements are available across the board.

                Built-in Integration with R
                Mathematica 9 offers built-in ways to integrate R code into your Mathematica workflow, combining Mathematica’s broad range of capabilities with the statistical computing language. RLink uses J/Link and rJava/JRI Java libraries to allow the user to exchange data between Mathematica and R and to execute R code from within Mathematica. With RLink, R users can use thousands of functions from across the full Mathematica system.

                3D Volumetric Image Processing
                Mathematica extends its image processing capabilities to 3D datasets, including pixel operations, local filtering, morphology, and more. In addition to 3D surface rendering, fast and interactive volume rendering is available. Volumes and 3D vector graphics combine seamlessly.
                Advanced Image Processing with Large Image Support
                Mathematica 9 adds many more capabilities to analyze and process two- and three-dimensional images using highly optimized algorithms. Introduction of the interactive Image Assistant, Suggestions Bar, and many more user assistance features helps solve real-world image processing applications, including image classification, feature detection, restoration—all more easily and faster than before.

                Interactive Image Assistant
                The Image Assistant provides immediate access to common image processing tools, making it easy to interactively process images using point-and-click—all within the notebook environment.

                Advanced Image Processing with Large Image Support
                Mathematica 9 adds many more capabilities to analyze and process two- and three-dimensional images using highly optimized algorithms. Introduction of the interactive Image Assistant, Suggestions Bar, and many more user assistance features helps solve real-world image processing applications, including image classification, feature detection, restoration—all more easily and faster than before.

                Import and Export Formats
                Mathematica 9 adds extensive support for new data formats in areas such as molecular biology, high dynamic range image processing, and chemical spectroscopy. In addition, Mathematica 9 offers enhanced performance and new features for existing data formats, enabling out-of-core processing of large datasets.

                Built-in Signal Processing
                Mathematica 9 introduces a new generation of signal processing and analysis, fully integrated with Mathematica’s comprehensive continuous and discrete calculus and algebraic capabilities. New features include analog and digital filter design, and signal filtering and processing that can be applied to audio, image, and other data, as well as new signal visualization functions and discrete transforms.

                Enhanced Control Systems
                Mathematica 9 adds several extensions and improvements to the control system functionality. PID controllers are the most widely used in industry, and Mathematica now provides PID tuning with automated workflows. Time delays are common in systems with communication lags or sensing delays and can create instabilities. Mathematica’s control system suite now supports modeling and design of time-delay systems. Descriptor systems allow for explicit representation of algebraic constraints and are naturally generated from modern modeling systems. Descriptor systems are now fully supported throughout the control system framework.

                Built-in Symbolic Tensors
                Mathematica 9 introduces support for symbolic array objects, from simple vectors to arrays of any rank, dimensions, and symmetry. New tensor algebra operations allow the construction of polynomials of symbolic arrays. These can be simplified into a standard form using efficient algorithms and used to derive or prove symbolic identities. A new type of structured array stores only symmetry and independent components. This can lead to substantial memory saving, most significantly in the case of antisymmetry. New differential operators for vector analysis can handle explicit arrays of any type and rank and interpret them in various orthogonal coordinate systems

                Enhanced Core Algorithms
                Mathematica 9 adds a large number of improvements to existing functionality, as well as a smaller amount of new functionality. There are new special functions, such as real-valued algebraic functions from elementary calculus and Mittag-Leffler’s E function from fractional calculus. Matrix functions are supplied for all of Mathematica’s special functions and combinations. Numerous performance and scope improvements across the system have been added.

                Full Range of Web Access Support
                Mathematica provides full client-side web access for sending data to and receiving data from remote servers and for interacting with web APIs. Downloaded data can be analyzed with the full functionality of Mathematica. Asynchronous access allows AJAX-style programming for performing operations in the background.

                Newly Designed Slide Show Templates
                Mathematica 9 punches up presentations with new templates specifically designed for slide shows. New background images for title slides and subsequent slides coordinate with fonts and layouts to enhance presentations. A new template chooser provides a visual menu for selecting a template when creating a new slide show.

                Import and Export Formats
                Mathematica 9 adds extensive support for new data formats in areas such as molecular biology, high dynamic range image processing, and chemical spectroscopy. In addition, Mathematica 9 offers enhanced performance and new features for existing data formats, enabling out-of-core processing of large datasets

