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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 实验室设备 > 实验室耗□材 > 生化仪器专用配件及消耗品

                Insulin Human

                Insulin Human
                • Insulin Human
                产品报价: 195
                090-03446 (50MG)

                Insulin Human

                产品编号: 090-03446    
                产品名称:  原装现货|Insulin Human|人胰岛素| 
                供应商:  Wako
                规格: 50mg

                Insulin, Human, recombinant

                Grade: for Cell Culture 
                Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.
                CAS NO.: 11061-68-0 
                Regulation / Hazardous:  
                Storage condition: Keep at -20 degrees C.
                Manufacturer: Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. 
                Glucagon with a hyperglycemic action and insulin with a hypoglycemic action are secreted from alpha and beta cells, respectively, of the islands of Langerhans to control blood glucose.The mechanism of action of insulin, which decreases blood glucose by increased glucose consumption and glycogen production, is reported as follows:1. Insulin accelerates the rate of permeation of glucose in the extracellular fluid into the cell through the cell membrane.2. To enter the glucose into the process of metabolism, it activates hexokinase, which controls the reaction in which the glucose receives phosphate from ATP, and becomes glucose-6-phosphate.  
                The product is a recombinant human insulin used for animal cell culture and serves as a growth factor during culture.  
                Insulin consists of A chain having 21 amino acid residues and B chain having 30 amino acid residues; these 2 peptides are connected through the disulfide bond (S-S bond). It is an important hormone having actions such as blood glucose control and protein synthesis promotion in the body.Many of the insulins used currently are extracted from porcine and bovine pancreases and are available only in a small quantity. Porcine insulin differs from human insulin in amino acid composition at 1 site. Thus, the long-term use of it produces antibodies, resulting in less effectiveness, adverse reactions, etc.Raw material is limited to obtain insulin derived from humans and it is attempted to make a total synthesis chemically or convert the amino acids of porcine insulin to the human type using an enzyme. However, it is very expensive since it has not yet manufactured at the industry level.The product is an insulin produced from E. coli by gene recombination to solve the cost problem and the future shortage when the supply depends on animal pancreas.This product is used as a growth factor for animal cell culture, including protein synthesis promotion in tissue culture using serum.
