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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 光学仪器 > 航空遥感仪〒器

                XY Translation Mounts for 30mm Cage Systems

                XY Translation Mounts for 30mm Cage Systems
                • XY Translation Mounts for 30mm Cage Systems
                产品报价: 面议

                XY Translation Mounts for 30mm Cage Systems

                Our ST1XY Translation Stage Family provides a means of precise adjustment with a 4mm range in the X- and Y-axes. There are three models in this family that offer different adjustment resolution; each is offered in imperial and metric versions:

                • ST1XY-A: Includes Lead Screws for 0.25mm per Revolution Resolution
                • ST1XY-S: Includes Micrometers for 0.5mm per Revolution Resolution and 10μm Graduations
                • ST1XY-D: Includes Differential Micrometers for 0.4mm per Revolution Coarse and 25μm per Revolution Fine Control with 0.5μm Graduations

                When building the ST1XY into a cage system, there will be times when the cage system rods will not be able to be screwed into the face. For this, Thorlabs offers the ST1CP, which replaces the front plate of the ST1XY and includes counterbored holes to allow the cage system rods to be secured to the plate with #4-40 socket head cap screws.

                The CP1XY Cage XY Flexure Adjustment Plate delivers high precision adjustment over its 0.5 mm (0.02") travel range. It provides excellent long-term stability and is ideal for applications that include fiber coupling, spatial filters, and pinholes. The center of the plate is tapped through with an SM05 (0.535"-40) thread to allow the integration of our extensive SM05 threaded family of products.

                The HPT1 XY Cage Translator provides 2mm travel range in the X and Y directions and utilizes a 100 TPI lead screw (0.25mm per revolution).

                The SPT1 is a slip plate translator that offers 2mm XY travel with coarse manual alignment. It does not use adjusters to position the mounted optic; the plate that supports the optic slips across the fixed plate and can be fixed into position.

                Compatibility: Thorlabs offers 16mm, 30mm and 60mm cage systems designed for 1/2", 1" and 2" optical components (respectively). The parts on this page are compatible with our 30mm cage system and utilize 6mm ER cage rods. In addition, the SM1Z mount is equipped with SM1 Lens Tube threading allowing easy mounting of lens tube compatible components.


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