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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 工业自▲动化仪表 > 传感变送器 > 其他传感变送器

                美国ATI 2HA数字式光度计

                美国ATI 2HA数字式光度计
                • 美国ATI 2HA数字式光度计
                产品报价: 面议






                Portability: The 2HA is the smallest, lightest analog photometer available in a portable self-contained unit. The 2HA has been designed with the user in mind for simplicity of operation and virtually maintenance-free use. Its basic purpose is to detect and measure mass concentration of aerosol in air

                Technology: A stream of clean air from an ULPA filter is passed through the forward light scattering chamber as the instrument is balanced electrically with respect to any incidental straylight or dark current. A base line of response may be set as a basis of comparison, using the internal reference circuit, which is set for 100 micrograms of poly-dispersed particles. Once the base line has been set, any subsequent reading will be in relation to that base line. The range of concentration measurable is from 100 to 0.0001 on 5 linear scales on the standard instrument. The 2HA has two pre-set reference values (DOP & PAO) for aerosol agents. The operator can quickly select DOP or PAO as the challenge aerosol.


                The 2HA photometer is furnished in a rugged, die cast aluminum case that is suitable for use in industrial or laboratory environments.

                The unit is equipped with a switching internal power supply to enable operation on all standard electric current worldwide.


                The 2HA is also available in a version suitable for nuclear applications, the 2HAN. This unit has features identical to the 2HA plus a special sealed sampling chamber and HEPA filter to minimize contamination of internal components. The unit is specifically designed to allow safe removal and replacement of contaminated sampling components.

                Scanning Probe

                The optional scanning probe has a analog display that is simultaneously updated with the 2HA display. This feature enables an operator to pinpoint leaks and accurately determine % leakage at a location remote from the unit.

                A flexible, segmented, tube located between the handle and sampling nozzle allows the nozzle to be adjusted to any angle necessary to scan a filter surface efficiently. Three interchangeable nozzles are provided to meet industry standards and protocols and permit fast, accurate scanning.

                Shipping Case: An optional heavy-duty, lockable shipping case is also available. This highly recommended case is lined with a thick poly-foam cushioning and meets the requirements of all commercial carriers for shipping or as carry-on luggage. It can accommodate the 2HA unit, scanning probe with nozzles, 100% sample tubing, operation manual and power cord.


                Size: 10.1" W × 14.3" D × 5.8" H
                (25.7 cm W × 36.3 cm D × 14.7 cm H
                Weight: 15.5 lbs. plus 2.5 lbs. for scanning probe & accessories = 18.0 lbs.

                Enclosure: Instrument case is rugged, die cast aluminum and can be easily disassembled as required for recalibration and service of internal components.

                The enclosure has two convenient retractable carrying handles on the sides. Fold-up legs under the case can tilt the control panel display upward for easy viewing.

                Power: 100 to 250 Volts AC, 50/60 Hz fused power entry module with spare fuses. Automatically adjusts to virtually all standard electric current used worldwide. Please specify power supply cable when ordering unit (UL/CSA/VDE)

                Alarm: Audible Alarm in unit sounds when the adjustable set point is exceeded. LED on probe lights up when set point is exceeded.

                Amplifier: Solid-state linear amplifier.

                Accuracy: 2% full-scale for the decade in use.

                Light Source: Improved, longer lasting and more stable solid-state scattering chamber light source. Photometer operates at lower power, generating less heat and lower straylight values. Life expectancy is 50,000 to 100,000 hours.

                Scattering Chamber: Redesigned smaller, lighter and more efficient for improved performance. Easier to clean and requires less maintenance.

                Vacuum Pump: True (1) cubic foot per minute (cfm) sample rate (28.3 liters per minute) using a twin head, carbon vane pump for quiet operation and dependability. An external exhaust filter can easily be attached to the outlet of the vacuum pump to entrap any particles from the pump exhaust.

                Output: An DB9 connector is provided standard on all units for a 0-1 VDC output
