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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 多媒体视听█设备 > 音频设备 > 数码产品及音像制作设备

                HDX卡+HD 集成接口

                HDX卡+HD 集成接口
                • HDX卡+HD 集成接口
                产品报价: 70000



                Avid HDX ONMI System


                HDX卡+HD 集成接口
                Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software for Mac and PC
                Support for Avids HDX cards and AAX plug-in format
                Disc Caching lets you cache your entire sessions into RAM, dramatically speeding up your workflow
                read and record from flash drives, RAID systems, and server storage systems such as Avids ISIS 5000.
                increased Automatic Delay Compensation (up to 16,383 samples)
                sessions can contain various audio file types and formats
                Down Mixer sums sessions from up to 7.1 surround down to 5.1, 2.1, 2.0, and even mono mixes
                32-bit floating-point audio lets you store higher-quality audio
                Clip Gain adds dynamic volume flexibility and increases integration with Media composer
                upgraded AudioSuite processing includes handles, whole file processing, and reverse delay/reverb processing
                Channel Strip plug-in format delivers the sound of the legendary System 5 console
                advanced EUCON support adds over 500 controllable commands to your EUCON-equipped control surface plus EUCON support for XMON
                Real-time fades eliminate the need for fade files and allow you to apply fades with the timeline running
                rewritten Disc Scheduler is more forgiving for slower hard drives and allows use of netword access storage drives
                handy visual indicators for mutes and solos
                Bus Interrogation lets you track your signal flow
                Export Selected Tracks as New Session command make collaboration easier
                24-hour timeline support for enhanced post-production compatibility
                Export to iTunes and Export to SoundCloud
                Works with any audio interface or standalone
                Automatic Delay Compensation
                Multitrack Beat Detective and Elastic Audio let you correct timing across all of your tracks
                Up to 96 voiceable tracks at 44.1/48kHz
                Up to 32 channels of simultaneous I/O
                OMF/AAF/MXF Interchange Support Built In
                MP3 Export Option with built in
                Full time code support with feet and frames rulers
                Adjustable stereo pan depth feature
                Over 70 plug-ins and virtual instruments for sound shaping
                Score Editor and MIDI Editor windows for comprehensive composing
                Create a flawless performance using track compositing features
                Automation and controller lanes provide easy editing access
                QuickTime HD support on Mac OS X-based systems
                Avid HDX DSP-acceleration Card Features:
                Incredible DSP power for Avids AAX plug-in format
                3-7 times the power of an HD Accel system on a single PCIe card
                FPGA mix processor frees up DSPs for powering plug-ins
                256 voices per card (4 x the voices HD Accel)
                Connect up to four HD series interfaces per card
                64-bit floating-point summing sounds amazing
                32-bit floating-point processing between plug-ins preserves quality and dramatically increases headroom
                Expand your system by adding more HDX cards
                64-bit-ready architecture is ready for the future of Pro Tools HD
                Avid HD Omni I/O Audio Interface Features:
                4-in/8-out audio interface
                Digitally controlled Mic/Line/DI preamps
                Flexible analog and digital I/O
                Same flagship converters as HD I/O
                Persistent surround monitoring
                Fold-down to any monitor format
                Integrated 14 x 26 channel mixer
                Curv analog soft knee limiter protects against transient spikes
                Pristine audio clarity and ultra low latency through state-of-the-art A/D and D/A conversion
                High-quality, low-noise analog I/O: 2 premium, digitally-controlled mic/DI preamps, 4 line inputs, 8 line outputs, with true analog gain
                Versatile digital I/O, with sample rate conversion on all inputs: 8 channels of ADAT I/O (supports S/MUX II and IV), 2x8 channels of AES/EBU I/O, 2 channels of S/PDIF I/O
                Route audio independently from Pro Tools with the persistent 14X26 pass-through mixer
                Completely integrates with Pro Tools HD for full routing, mixing, and monitoring control
                Track hotter signals and smooth out sounds with Curv, a new built-in soft-knee limiter
                Hear your mixes in however many channels you need, from stereo to 7.1 surround
                Improve communication while tracking with dedicated cue path
                Keep things in sync with dedicated Word Clock and Loop Sync I/O
                Compact 1U rack-mountable chassis