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                教育装备采购╲网首页 > 产品库 > 产品〒分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 专用仪器设备 > 核子仪器


                • 核插件
                产品报价: 面议

                VT120A/B/C Fast-Timing Preamplifier (200 gain, non-inverting)
                C-VT120 Power Cable Assembly for VT120A/B/C (3-m length)
                113 Scintillation Preamplifier
                142A, 142B, 142C Preamplifier
                142AH Preamplifier
                142IH Preamplifier
                142PC Preamplifier
                9301 Fast Preamplifier
                9305 Fast Preamplifier
                9306 1-GHz Preamplifier
                9326 Fast Preamplifier with 3-m DC power cable


                FTA820A Octal Fast-Timing Amplifier (200 gain, non-inverting)
                427A Delay Amplifier
                460 Delay Line Amplifier (with standard 1-µs delay lines)
                474 Timing Filter Amplifier
                533 Dual Sum and Invert Amplifier
                570 Spectroscopy Amplifier
                572A Spectroscopy Amplifier
                575A Spectroscopy Amplifier
                579 Fast-Filter Amplifier
                590A Amplifier and Timing SCA
                671 Spectroscopy Amplifier
                672 Spectroscopy Amplifier (with AUTO-PZ)
                673 Spectroscopy Amplifier and Gated Integrator
                855 Dual Spectroscopy Amplifier
                863 Quad Timing Filter Amplifier
                9302 Amplifier and Discriminator
                9309-4 Quad Fast Amplifier
                9310-16 16 Channel Fast Amplifier
                9327 1-GHz Amplifier and Timing Discriminator


                TAC/Time Calibrator
                462 Time Calibrator
                566 Time-to-Amplitude Converter
                567 Time-to-Amplitude Converter/SCA
                Single-Channel Pulse-Height Analyzers
                550A Single-Channel Analyzer
                551 Timing Single-Channel Analyzer
                552 Pulse-Shape Analyzer/Timing SCA
                850 Quad Single-Channel Analyzer (requires 6 V)
                 Counters, Timers, and Ratemeters
                449 Log/Lin Ratemeter
                449-2 Log/Lin Ratemeter with audible output option
                661 Ratemeter
                871 Timer and Counter (non-printing)
                974A CCNIM Quad 100-MHz Counter/Timer
                976 Quad 250-MHz Counter /Timer
                978 Dual Timer
                994 CCNIM Dual Counter and Timer (requires interface option for computer operation)
                995 CCNIM Dual Counter (requires interface option for computer operation)
                996 CCNIM Timer and Counter (requires interface option for computer operation)
                99X-1 994, 995, and 996 Options - RS-232-C Interface Option (requires C-75 Cable)
                99X-4 994 and 995 Options - Internal +6 V Supply Option
                9349 Log/Lin Ratemeter


                Delays, Gate and Delay Generators, Logic Modules, and Linear Gates
                CO4020 Quad 4-Input Logic Unit (requires 6 V)
                DB463 Delay Box
                GG8020 Octal Gate and Delay Generator (requires 6 V)
                414A Fast Coincidence
                416A Gate and Delay Generator
                418A Universal Coincidence
                425A Nanosecond Delay
                426 Linear Gate
                499 Fast/Slow NIM Logic Converter
                542 Linear Gate and Stretcher


                Fast-Timing Discriminators
                CF8000 Octal Constant-Fraction Discriminator
                CFD-DELAY-5NS CF8000 Option - Delay Plug-in
                CFD-DELAY-10NS CF8000 Option - Delay Plug-in
                CFD-DELAY-30NS CF8000 Option - Delay Plug-in
                CFD-DELAY-50NS CF8000 Option - Delay Plug-in
                583B Constant-Fraction Differential Discriminator/SCA (requires 6 V)
                584 Constant-Fraction Discriminator
                935 Quad 200-MHz Constant-Fraction Discriminator (requires 6 V)
                9307 pico-TIMING Discriminator (requires 6 V)


                CAMAC ADCs and Memory
                AD114 CAMAC 16k ADC
                AD413A CAMAC Quad 8k ADC
                CMC203 CAMAC FERA Driver, Memory and Histogrammer
                HM413 CAMAC FERAbus Histogramming Memory
                HV Bias/NIM Power Supplies and Bins
                428 Detector Bias Supply
                495 Power Supply (6 V)
                556 High-Voltage Power Supply (3 kV)
                556H High-Voltage Power Supply (3 kV)
                659 5-kV Detector Bias Supply
                660 Dual 5-kV Detector Bias Supply
                710 Quad 1-kV Bias Supply
                4001A/4002A NIM Bin and 96-W Power Supply (with ±12 V, ±24 V)
                4001A/4002D NIM Bin and 160-W Power Supply (with ±6 V, ±12 V, ±24 V)
                4001C/4002D NIM Bin (with copper bus bars) and 160-W Power Supply (with ±6 V, ±12 V, ±24 V)
                4001C/4002E NIM Bin (with copper bus bars) and BLACK MAX PS (with ±6 V, ±12 V, ±24 V)
                4002P Portable Power Supply (with ±12 V, ±24 V)
                4002P-C1 4002P Option - Preamp Power Fan-Out Cable
                4003 Preamplifier Power Output
                4006 Minibin and Power Supply


                NIM MCA/MCB
                DPM-USB Dual Port Memory to USB Converter. 5-m cable.
                920E EtherNIM 16-Input Multichannel Buffer
                920-16-OPT1 Pigtail Cable
                921E EtherNIM High-Rate Multichannel Buffer
                926-M32-USB 8k Multichannel Buffer with USB Interface and  MAESTRO-32 Software
                ASPEC-927 Dual 16k Input MCA. Includes MAESTRO-32 Software and 10-ft USB interface cable.
                Non-NIM MCA/MCB
                TRUMP-PCI-2K 2k MCA PCI Plug-In Card with MAESTRO-32 Software
                TRUMP-PCI-8K 8k MCA PCI Plug-In Card with MAESTRO-32 Software
                EASY-MCA-2K 2k Multichannel Analyzer
                EASY-MCA-8K 8k Multichannel Analyzer


                MCS/Multiple-Stop Time Spectrometers
                MCS-PCI Multichannel Scaler with software, documentation, and FullShot software
                MCS-PCI-OPT2 Fan-Out Cable for MCS-PCI
                Easy-MCS-2K Multichannel Scaler with software
                9353 100-ps Time Digitizer/MCS with 9353-B32 software
                9353-FANOUT Fan-out Cable for the 9353 9-pin D Connector


                Special Instruments
                439 Digital Current Integrator
                Pulse Generators
                419 Precision Pulse Generator
                480 Pulser
