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                教育装备采】购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 成分分析仪器 > 光学式分析仪器 > 紫外分析仪


                • C-70G/C-71/C-75紫外观察箱
                产品报价: 面议


                Large UV Viewing Cabinets

                The large UV Chromato-Vue® viewing cabinets feature a removable bottom panel so the cabinet may be placed over large samples or a transilluminator. Cabinets include high intensity 15-watt UV. C-70G Cabinet pictured.


                • Non-Destructive Testing
                • Document Verification
                • Thin Layer Chromatography

                Main Features

                • Large UV Viewing Cabinets include C-70G, C-71 and C-75 models
                • A soft rubber viewport includes a contrast control filter.
                • Control switches are conveniently located for selecting either of the UV wavelengths or the interior overhead white light
                • Easy access to the cabinet interior is via the curtain which also blocks ambient light
                • The C-70G Chromato-Vue Cabinet includes two each of 15-watt shortwave and longwave UV tubes mounted on one side of the cabinet
                • Model C-71 is similar to the C-70G, but has four 15-watt, longwave UV tubes on one side of the unit
                • The 254nm and 365nm UV tubes in the C-75 are positioned on two sides of the cabinet providing uniform UV illumination for fluorescence studies
                • Cabinets are manufactured from lightweight plastic


                C-70 Cabinet UV Source: 254nm and 365nm
                  Watts: 15 Watts (two tubes each wavelength)
                  Overhead white light
                Dimensions: Interior: 21W x 13D x 8H in. (432 x 356 x 127mm)
                  Exterior: 23.4W x 15.8D x 13H in. (594 x 400 x 330mm)
                Weight: 22 lb (10.3 kg)
                C-71G Cabinet: UV Source: 365nm
                  Watts: 15 Watts (four tubes)
                  Overhead white light
                Dimensions: Interior: 21W x 13D x 8H in. (432 x 356 x 127mm)
                  Exterior: 23.4W x 15.8D x 13H in. (594 x 400 x 330mm)
                Weight: 22 lb (10.3 kg)
                C-75 Cabinet: UV Source: 254nm and 365n
                  Watts: 15 Watts
                Dimensions: Interior: 17W x 14D x 6H in. (533 x 330 x 400mm)
                  Exterior: 19.75W x 16.5D x 15.75H in. (602 x 419 x 400mm)
                Weight: 18 lb (8 kg)



                The C-75 cabinet can be used for photodocumentation imaging applications. Contact UVP for details on a CCD camera for use this cabinet

                Part Numbers

                115V 230V Model Description Wavelength
                95-0020-04 95-0020-05 C-70G Chromato-Vue Cabinet 254/365nm
                95-0022-01 95-0022-02 C-71 Chromato-Vue Cabinet 365nm
                95-0253-01 95-0253-02 C-75 Chromato-Vue Cabinet 254/365nm


                Replacement Parts/Accessories


                34-0009-02 15-watt tube, 365nm
                34-0008-01 15-watt tube, 254nm
                34-0002-01 Bulb, White Light (115V)
                34-0040-01 Bulb, White Light (230V)
              2. 粘度计
              3. 多︽功能测量仪器
              4. 电源
              5. 可编程直流稳压电源
              6. 直流稳压电源
              7. 可编程开关直流电源
              8. 可调试开关直流电源
              9. 交流电源
              10. 频谱分析仪
              11. 频率计
              12. 电子天平
              13. 频闪仪
              14. 红外测温仪
              15. 万用表
              16. 笔式万用表
              17. 卡片型万用表
              18. 太阳能万用表
              19. 模拟万用表
              20. 数字万用表
              21. 台式万用表
              22. 兆欧表
              23. 电力计
              24. 记录仪
              25. 接地电阻ぷ仪
              26. 接地电阻仪
              27. 钳式接地电阻仪
              28. 功率计
              29. 钳形表
              30. 交直流钳形表
              31. 交流钳形表
              32. 漏电流钳形表
              33. 功率钳形表
              34. 折叠式钳形表
              35. 示波器
              36. 数字示波器
              37. 任意波形发生器
              38. 函数发生器
              39. 荧光示波器
              40. 混合信号示波器
              41. 测振仪
              42. 粗糙度仪
              43. 探伤仪
              44. 差压计
              45. 风速计
              46. 粒子计数器
              47. LCR测试仪
              48. 电容测试仪
              49. LCR测试仪
              50. 电池检测仪
              51. 毫欧表
              52. 安规测试仪
              53. 自动绝缘/耐压测试仪
              54. 耐压测试仪
              55. 交流耐压测试仪
              56. 泄露电流测试仪
              57. 交流接地电阻测试仪
              58. 超绝缘计
              59. 信号︻发生器
              60. 照度计
              61. 声级计/噪音计
              62. 相序表
              63. 热像仪
              64. 转速表
              65. FT3406转速计
              66. 磁场探测仪
              67. 光功率计
              68. 烟气分析仪
              69. 温湿度计
              70. 德图温湿度计
              71. Testo174系列
              72. 温度计
              73. 温湿度计
              74. 小型数据记录●仪
              75. 温度记录仪
              76. 温湿度记录仪
              77. 通讯仪
              78. 电压记录仪
              79. 网络测试仪
              80. 硬度计
              81. 韦氏硬度计
              82. 洛式硬度计
              83. 邵氏硬度计
              84. 布氏硬度计
              85. 里氏硬度计
              86. 测厚仪
              87. 涂层测厚仪
              88. 超声波ζ测厚仪
              89. 电导率测试仪
              90. 测力计
              91. 瓶盖扭力计
              92. 附着力测试仪★
              93. 推拉力计
              94. 激光测距仪
              95. 校准仪
              96. 水份仪
              97. 气体检测仪
              98. PH计/电导计/离子计
              99. 紫外线黑光灯
              100. 眼罩,面罩
              101. 紫外观察箱
              102. 紫外透射台
              103. 紫外线灯
              104. 粉尘计
              105. 热门产品