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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 试验机 > 无损探@ 伤机 > 涡流/磁轭探伤仪


                • DA200S磁轭探伤仪
                产品报价: 面议

                Versatility and powerful performance in a rugged, reliable instrument
                Constant AC or pulsed DC fields with the flip of a switch;
                for the location of surface and some sub-surface defects
                Apply continuous or residual magnetic fields and demagnetize too
                Use with dry powder, wet fluorescent or visible
                High impact-molded housing
                One-year repair/replacement guarantee
                DA200S磁轭探伤仪技术参数:The DA-200 Contour Probe is a portable, self-contained instrument designed to produce a magnetic field on or within ferro-magnetic materials. The selective AC and pulsed DC functions are built into a single reliable instrument.
                The AC mode produces an intense AC field for detection of surface defects and demagnetizing after inspection. The DC mode produces an intense pulsed DC field for detection of some sub-surface defects. Combined with the flexibility of articulating legs and a rugged molded housing, the Contour Probe can be used on nearly any part or surface contour... in the lab, factory, or field site.
                Your magnetic particle applications need the versatility and reliable performance advantages of the Parker Contour Probe. An industry standard with 35 years of NDT service.
                SPECIFICATIONS  DA200 DA200S A210 A210S
                Physical 10.5" (266 mm) × 11.0" (280mm) × 2.75" (70mm)
                Line Voltage Single Phase 115 VAC
                50/60 Hz 230 VAC
                50/60 Hz 115 VAC
                50/60 Hz 230 VAC
                50/60 Hz
                Line Current  6 A AC/DC 4 A AC/DC 8 A AC 3 A AC
                Duty Cycle 2 minutes on – 2 minutes off
                Weight 13 lb (5.9 kg)
                Construction Glass-filled nylon housing
                10 foot (3 m) 3-wire power cord
                Span 18 in. (457 mm) across poles
                Field AC/DC AC/DC AC AC

              2. 建工用仪器
              3. 钢筋扫描仪
              4. 钢筋锈蚀仪
              5. 裂缝测宽仪
              6. 风速仪
              7. 粗糙度仪
              8. 水份仪
              9. 气体分析仪
              10. 温湿度计
              11. 温湿度记录仪
              12. 硬度计
              13. 探伤仪
              14. 超声波测厚仪
              15. 尘埃粒子计数器
              16. 铁素体测量仪
              17. 电火花检测仪
              18. 磁粉探伤仪
              19. 红外线测温仪
              20. 电子天平
              21. 紫外线灯
              22. 酸度计
              23. 扭力仪/扭矩仪
              24. 推拉力计
              25. 张力计
              26. 瓶盖扭力计
              27. 烟气检测∮仪
              28. 温度计
              29. 照度表
              30. 露点仪
              31. 噪音计
              32. 转速表
              33. 测振仪
              34. 频闪仪
              35. 红外热像仪
              36. 雷达测速仪
              37. 激光测距仪
              38. 卤素检测仪
              39. 静电测试卐仪
              40. 气体检测仪
              41. 涂装测试仪器
              42. 涂层测厚仪
              43. 色差仪
              44. 分光色差仪
              45. 光泽仪
              46. 粘度计
              47. 电解膜厚仪
              48. 漆膜硬度测试仪
              49. 附着力测试仪
              50. 涂层测厚仪
              51. 紫外线照度计
              52. 电子测试仪器
              53. 内窥镜
              54. 激光测径仪
              55. 兆欧表
              56. 钳型表
              57. 模拟示波器
              58. 直流电源
              59. 信号发生器
              60. 蓄电池检测仪
              61. 接地电阻测试仪
              62. 回路电阻测试仪
              63. 谐波分析仪
              64. 漏电检测仪
              65. 多功能测试仪
              66. 相序表
              67. 压力表
              68. 压力校验仪
              69. 温度校验仪
              70. 过程校验仪
              71. 回路校验仪
              72. 网络测试仪
              73. 环境测试仪
              74. 热门产品