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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分①类大全 > 仪器仪表 > 成分分析仪器 > 物理特性分№析仪

                毛细管流变仪 Capillary Viscometer

                毛细管流变仪 Capillary Viscometer
                • 毛细管流变仪 Capillary Viscometer
                产品报价: 面议
                Capillary Viscometer


                The patented capillary viscometer, serie RHEOTEST® LK, is successful 
                used to a quick and precise viscosity control at low viscous measuring
                substances.three basic versions can be offered:

                A. Basic version without temperature control jacket 
                for measurements at f.e.:
                •beer and wort
                •milk, drink yoghurt
                •inks, paints, slurries
                viscosity fluctuations caused through temperature fluctuations
                near room temperature are corrected to a reference temperature
                through the electronic viscosity-temperature-compensation

                B. Basic version with temperature control jacket around the
                measuring chamber (additional a double walled special cup
                with 30 ml aluminium measuring cups can be delivered
                for measurement at f.e.:
                •hydraulic oils and lubricating oils
                •silicone solutions
                •polymer solutions

                C. PC-controlled, automated viscosity measuring place,
                (for laboratories with daily more than 15 measurements)
                consists of:
                - basic version RHEOTEST® LK, without temperature control jacket
                - sampler for 20 samples


                User advantages:
                •Saving of laboratory capacity, because
                - the measuring result is showed on display and is available at the
                serielle interface connection after only 25 seconds
                - the viscometer can be used direct in production rooms through its easy handling and its compact construction with stainless steel measuring systems
                - the measuring system can calibrated and cleaned very easy
                •Simple operation with only 4 keys or by PC
                •Already internal existing quality standards, based on other measuring methods can be used furthermore, because the RHEOTEST® LK can be calibrated easy and quickly to such other measuring values
                •An additional temperature control unit can be saved, if viscosity measurement is realized near room temperature. The viscosity-temperature-compensation calculates exact viscosity values to a reference temperature in a temperature fluctuation range of
                appr. ± 5 K. On display are showed in mPas as well as the
                measured viscosity at actually temperature and the calculated viscosity at reference temperature
                •For viscosity measurements in a temperature range of 0 to 80°C we offer the viscometer version with temperature control jacket to temperate the measuring chamber by using a separate thermostate. Additional a double walled special cup with one set of aluminium measuring cups for a sample volume of 30 ml can be delivered to temperate also sample and metal capillary
                •Slurries or other samples with sedimentation properties can be measured with very well reproducibility, because our used difference pressure measuring method is not important influenced through sedimentation effects
                •Number of measuring cycles and averaging are free selectable. Therefore the reproducibility of the measuring result can be yet increased
                •The RHEOTEST® LK can be delivered as well as in "one point calibration" or "two point calibration". Especially in a measuring range up to 10 mPas we suggest a "two point calibration" to increase yet the measuring accuracy
                •At demand, the capillary viscometer can be controlled by a PC. In such case please order our special windows software for PC-controlled tests
                •If there are daily more than 15 measurements we suggest to use our PC controlled automated measurement work station with sampler for 20 samples


                •Viscosity measuring ranges: 1-10 000 mPas
                •Relative error (% of limit value of partial measuring range): 2 %
                •Reproducibility (% of limit value of partial measuring range): 1 %
                •Temperature range of the measuring substance: - 10 ... + 80 °C
                •Serielle interface connection: RS 232 for printer / PC
                •Operating voltage (please ask for special voltage): 220 V ± 10%
                •Operating frequency (please ask for special frequency): 50 / 60 Hz
                •Dimensions: (length x depth x hight): appr. 200 x 200 x 600 mm
                •Weight: appr. 12.5 kg
                •Necessary sample volume: appr. 25 ml
                毛细管流变仪 Capillary Viscometer
