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                【政府采∩购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘←

                教育装备采购网 2023-02-08 09:11 围观22次

                【政府采购艺术家代【表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘


                  自幼受家父熏陶,学习书法,中学毕业后参加工作,利用业余时间研习书法、诗文,遍临王羲之、王献之、孙过庭、颜真卿等历代名家法帖,对书法、国画情有独¤钟。1993年考入湖南省轻工业高等专科学校(长沙理工大学),学习工艺美术专业,对书法与国画进行系统学习,毕业后从事广告宣传工作,兼习书法与国画,2004 年后进行专√业创作,先后荣获书画奖 50 多项,作品入编《二十世纪中国著名书画家》、《世界美术♀大典》等200多部辞书。2010年、2012年、2013年荣获感动中国十大艺术人物,2014年荣获中国艺术十大领军人物,2015 年入选《新中国国学艺术大师传记》 (徐悲鸿、启功、范曾、萧四希合集),曾参与国学唐诗、国学台历等影响力较大的工作,2016 年参加中、俄朝国际艺术★大师三人行中国展览,与刘大为、沈鹏参加中国书画名家曲阜三人展,荣获“孔子国际文化至尊奖”,2019年庆祝新中国成立70周年萧四希世界邮票全球发行,出版有《国家艺术人物萧四希专刊》、《风范一品大家》、《翰墨书香》、《艺海同舟》、《当代风云人物》、《艺术之巅》及《向人民汇报》-中国邮政当代艺术大家(郑板桥、潘天寿、李可染、萧四希)四人典藏册。2021年为庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年参加“百年荣光,兴我中华”一一国礼艺术名家萧四希陶瓷作品典藏献礼。俄罗斯《真理报》发表《中国名家名作出国门》,北京与俄罗斯一一国家德艺双馨艺术家萧四希作品。2022年为纪念毛主席在延安文艺工作座谈会进话发表八十周年,建军九十五周年,喜迎二十大召开,出版发行《新时代杰出文艺工作者》一-新中国当代艺术名家萧四希国礼典藏邮册。

                  Xiao Sixi, born in 1962 in Longhui, Hunan Province, is now the honorary chairman of the Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, the honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the vice chairman of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies, the vice chairman of the Joint Association of World Educational Science Organizations, the honorary doctor of the Royal Swedish Academy of Art, the honorary academician of the Royal British Academy of Art, the honorary president of the Hong Kong Calligraphy Academy, the honorary professor of the International Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the national first-class calligrapher and painter.

                  Influenced by my father at an early age, I studied calligraphy. After graduation from high school, I took part in work. I studied calligraphy and poetry in my spare time. I visited many famous calligraphers such as Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Sun Guoting, Yan Zhenqing and so on. In 1993, he was admitted to Hunan Light Industry College (Changsha University of Technology) and studied arts and crafts, systematically studied calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. After graduation, he engaged in advertising work, and studied calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. After 2004, he undertook professional creation. He has won more than 50 calligraphy and painting awards, and his works have been included in more than 200 dictionaries such as "Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters in the 20th Century" and "World Art Classic". In 2010, 2012 and 2013, he was honored with the top ten art figures moving China, the top ten leading figures of Chinese art in 2014, and was selected in the "Biography of the New Chinese Art Masters" (a collection of Xu Beihong, Qigong, Fan Zeng and Xiao Sixi) in 2015. He has participated in the work with great influence, such as the Tang poetry of Chinese traditional culture and the desk calendar of Chinese traditional culture. In 2016, he participated in the exhibition of three Chinese, Russian and Korean international art masters visiting China, together with Liu Dawei Shen Peng participated in the three-person exhibition of Qufu, a famous Chinese calligrapher and painter, and won the "Confucius International Culture Supreme Award". In 2019, Xiao Sixi World Stamp, which celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, was issued globally. It has published the "Special Issue of Xiao Sixi, a National Artist", "The Style of One Product", "The Fragrance of Calligraphy and Calligraphy", "The Art Sea in One Boat", and "The People of Contemporary Times" "The Top of Art" and "Report to the People" - a collection of four people from China Post Contemporary Art Masters (Zheng Banqiao, Pan Tianshou, Li Keran, Xiao Sixi). In 2021, to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the CPC, he participated in the "Centennial Glory, Revitalize China" - a collection of ceramic works by Xiao Sixi, a famous national ritual artist. The Russian "Pravda" published the "Famous Works of Chinese Famous Artists Going Abroad", and the works of Xiao Sixi, a national artist of both virtue and art in Beijing and Russia. In 2022, in order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Chairman Mao's speech at the Yan'an Symposium on Literary and Art Work and the 95th anniversary of the founding of the army, and to welcome the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "Outstanding Literary and Artists in the New Era" was published and issued, a new Chinese contemporary art master Xiao Sixi's national collection album.

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——萧四希精品手绘

                来源:搜狐 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿


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