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                【政府采↓购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精卐品手绘

                教育装备采购网 2022-09-07 16:26 围观882次

                【政府采购艺■术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手⌒ 绘


                  艺术格言:“水静心平,不浮不躁,创新不离根,同道之长皆我〗师,笔耕究法追求美,功到自然成。“小字如行云流水,大字气⌒ 势磅礴。充分利用”动”与“静“的结合,“力”与”气”共用,把书法这门独有的书写艺术“筋、骨、肉,“神”与“形”表现的淋漓尽致、赏心悦目、风格明显、法自天然、自成一派”。曾先后⊙在文化、文史、文献、文物等出版社卐以及网络上发表千字文、三字经、弟子规、增广贤文、古诗词、名人名句、格言等六十余部典籍杂志文献。



                  Zhou Chenglin, born in Funing, Jiangsu in 1954, enlisted in the army in 1972 and retired in 1998, is a famous calligrapher and painter. Forbes Chinese brand culture representative.

                  Art motto: "Water is calm and calm, not impetuous or impetuous, innovation does not depart from the root, and the strengths of the same people are all my teachers, the pursuit of beauty in writing and research, and success will come naturally." Make full use of the combination of "movement" and "stillness", and the common use of "force" and "qi", to express the unique writing art of calligraphy "muscle, bone, flesh, "spirit" and "shape" incisively and vividly, pleasing to the eye, The style is obvious, the law is natural, and it is self-contained." He has successively published more than 60 classics, magazines and documents such as Thousand Characters, Sanzijing, Disciple Gui, Zengguang Xianwen, ancient poems, famous sentences, aphorisms, etc.

                  In 2008, Zhou Chenglin published a collection of poems, aphorisms, and sentimental words by Zhou Chenglin. Zhou Chenglin's "regular script", the "right way" of calligraphy. Zhou Chenglin briefly talked about several problems in the way of calligraphy: "Rethinking and Exploration of Contemporary Art"; "Calligraphy is Art, Relying on Precipitation"; "Art and Style" and other discussions have been published successively. After years of experience, what I write is calligraphy, and what comes out is thought and emotion. Combining traditional calligraphy with modern calligraphy, using abstract and wonderful calligraphy skills, boldly innovating, and writing a single stroke in one go, it is still a dragon playing in the water, a giant dragon swimming in the sky, using the brush method of freehand painting, and integrating it into the characters. There are paintings, the paintings are used for words, the strokes are scattered and undulating, and the bearing is extraordinary. The new ideas are in the law, and the wonderful principles are outside the boldness. The roots of calligraphy are pursued instead of the master. It is the same as the way of calligraphy, but it is different from the same way. also. No distractions in the heart, just bow to the art, hold on to it and live without words.

                  In 2019, China Collection, Global Times, International Online "Character Legend", Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts "Hundred Years of Chinese Art", CCTV-4 "Century Masters", successively introduced their styles. Chinese calligraphy research, won the 2019 Chinese Calligraphy Lifetime Achievement Award, Special Contribution Award!

                【政府♂采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林『精品手绘

                《方 向》

                【政府采购艺术【家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品卐手绘

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                《信 仰》

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                【政府『采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手※绘


                【政府采购艺术∩家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品【手绘


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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成∮林精品手绘


                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精【品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

                《雅 逸》

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

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                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘

                《寿桃! 鹤算千▲年寿 松龄万古春》

                【政府采购艺术家代表】中国风范 国之瑰宝——周成林精品手绘



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