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                为梦想再战一次 天行创世纪☆学校复读班开始招生啦

                教育装备采购网 2020-07-16 14:34 围观14146次


                  After many twists and turns, the 2020 college entrance examination eventually came to an end.


                  The college entrance examination is a must experience for the vast majority of Chinese children. There is a traditional proverb that is ten years of hard study by the freezing window. Now, from the age of three entering the kindergarten to the age of 18 walking out of the college entrance examination room, this long "practice" has drawn a full stop.


                  But there is a group of people who may not have reached their true level and cannot enter their desired university.


                  If you were born for Tsinghua University and Peking University! If this year is a little bit worse, why not fight for another year.


                  If your goal is "985", "211" university! Even though this year's performance is below par and you can only be enrolled into an ordinary university, you can fight for another chance and harvest a challenging yet maybe more excellent future.


                  Repeat studying for one year, and use the time of one year for the glory of the next ten, thirty years, or even a lifetime!


                  If your college entrance examination score is above the line, please choose Teensen Genesis School for your restudy !



                  Most of the teachers in the restudy class of Teensen Genesis School are seasoned ones who have nurtured students enrolled into Tsinghua University and Peking University. They have profound skills and rich experience in cultivating students with aspirations to "Tsinghua University, Peking University, 985, 211 key universities". These teachers are elegant, warm and sincere; they strive for excellence.


                  Chinese teacher Ms. Wang is from a key middle school in Jingdezhen; Math teahcer Mr. Chen is from a key middle school in Nanchang; English teacher Ms. Luo is from a private school in Nanchang; Physics teacher Mr. Chen is from a key middle school in Nanchang; Chemistry teacher, Ms. Li is a key teacher in a key middle school in Nanchang city; Biology is Mr. Du, an excellent teacher in a key middle school in Guangdong Province.


                  The school implements small-class teaching, with no more than 30 students in each class so that each student can get high attention from the teacher. Teachers provide targeted one-to-one teaching and tutoring to students. Implement a separate training plan, equip students with study development designers, set up goals for prestigious schools, and conduct targeted training and guidance as planned. Equipped with efficient teaching management, complete study guidance and tailor-made study plans, supplemented by the principal's package system, it provides students with the most superior and fastest guarantee for learning.


                  凡高考录取清华大学、北京大学者学校奖励该学生100万元人民币;录取复旦大学卐、上海交通⌒ 大学、中国人民大学等大学当年录取分数排名前十名者,学校奖励该学生30万元人民币。

                  Those who are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University in the college entrance examination will be awarded 1 million yuan; those who enter Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Renmin University of China and other universities of the top ten will be awarded 300,000 yuan.


                  The college entrance examination is never the end. Whether it is the Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University or the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Ivy League Universities, we firmly believe that the essence of education is to be with more outstanding people.






                  In Jiangxi, what can one million and three hundred thousand do?

                  At the age of 19, you can buy real estate and cars for your parents;

                  At the age of 19, you can achieve financial freedom;

                  At the age of 19, you will reap a huge amount of entrepreneurial funds to realize your entrepreneurial dreams;

                  Choose Teensen Genesis, obtain a million scholarship, achieve yourself, repay your parents.


                  周老师 191 0016 6751(微信同号)

                  李老师 133 6709 3636(微信同号)

                  地级Ψ 市报名电话:

                  张老师 191 6826 5561(上饶市)

                  冯老师 191 6826 3571(鹰潭市)

                  杨老师 199 7905 9770(吉安市)

                  郑老师 191 6826 7803(抚州市)

                  张老师 137 0708 9108(宜春市)


                  撰写:Jane        肖   依

                  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

                  翻译:Elena        王   琴

                  影像:Louis        胡   猜  

                  Leo           罗   睿

                  朗读:  Geogria    魏嘉莹

                  主编:Jane        肖   依

                  总编:Johnson  张世霖

                  —Power by Teensen Media—


                来源:天行中文 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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