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                十四人参赛十二人获∑ 奖|天行学子【在2020英国物〇理挑战赛中斩获佳绩

                教育装备采购网 2020-05-20 16:40 围观573次

                  近日,2020英国物理挑战赛(GCSE年级)传来喜讯,我校高一年级十四名参赛学子在激烈的全球竞争中表现突出,斩获2金2银8铜的优异成绩。我校徐必成David、黄家亦Andy两位同学以高分成绩获得全球金奖,其中,徐必成David同学的成绩排在中国赛区前50名;张宇Andy、周宇翔Allen两位同学获得全球银奖;苏博皓Mike、李仁杰Leo、刘鑫城Micheal、王泽恩Zeen四位同学∏获得全球铜奖I;魏子炫Eric、许沐阳Robert、刘柯名Leo、朱云轩Sean四位同学获得全球铜奖II。此次竞赛中国赛区共有来自全国 270 多所国际学校和重点中学的近2000名同学参赛。

                  Recently, the good news came from the 2020 British physics challenge (GCSE grade). Fourteen students in the first grade of our school showed outstanding performance in the fierce global competition and won the excellent results of 2 gold, 2 silver and 8 copper. Xu Bicheng, and Huang Jiayi won the global gold medal with high scores, among which Xu Bicheng ranked in the top 50 in China; Zhang Yu and Zhou Yuxiang, two students, won the global silver medal; Su Bohao, Li Renjie, Liu Xincheng and Wang Zeen, four students won the global bronze medal I; Wei Zixuan, Xu Muyang, Liu Keming and Zhu Yunxuan, Sean, four students Students won the global Bronze Award II.In this competition, nearly 2,000 students from more than 270 international schools and key middle schools across the country participated.


                  During the epidemic, Teensen students not only played basic skills in home online classes, but also expanded their learning content and improved their comprehensive ability. Under the influence of the epidemic, students like all kinds of competitions or postpone or cancel, or transfer to online with complex process. Despite all the difficulties, the students of Teensen choose to overcome all the problems of online competition. They still keep a positive and optimistic attitude, dare to challenge themselves, and finally achieve good results. I hope that you will continue this kind of self-discipline and studious spirit to the later study, and achieve better results.


                  For the first time, Teensen students took part in the competition and achieved such excellent results. Luo Wenchao, the instructor of this competition, is very proud. "Affected by the epidemic, our pre match training can only be conducted online. In the process of teaching, the students' attention, interest and love for physics deeply affected me. In class, students will think more deeply about a problem, and may have some horizontal associations with other knowledge points. Although some ideas are unbelivable, aren't inquiry thinking and divergent thinking exactly what we should encourage? After class, some students take their notes and brain maps to discuss with the teacher, or ask the teacher for more exercises to consolidate their knowledge. It can be said that the outstanding achievements of the students themselves. "



                  We encourage children to take part in all kinds of competitions. Through these broader stages, they can experience in person, experience the joy of harvest, and take on the spirit of disappointment.

                  我们憧↑憬这样的未来,每一个孩子都⌒ 无惧挑战。

                  We look forward to such a future, and every child is not afraid of challenges.


                  Sometimes we can't even imagine the future, because it comes too soon.



                  The British physics challenge (GCSE & as grade) is hosted by the Organizing Committee of the British Physics Olympic Games, and the contest questions are novel. It is a very challenging competition to connect the basic physical principles with life in the test questions, aiming to expand students' horizontal thinking ability and stimulate students' physical potential. The British physics challenge is the extension and improvement of book knowledge, and it tests the students' extracurricular reading of physics, aiming to tap the students' physical potential.


                  撰写:Jane       肖   依

                  编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

                  翻译:Sunny      黄   曰

                  朗读:Mia          闵熙若

                  Isbella     曾梓桐

                  主编:Jane      肖   依

                  总编:Johnson    张世霖


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                来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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