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                教育装备采购网 2016-09-27 17:39 围观263次
                项目 标准号 标准名称
                1 GB 11011-89 非晶硅太阳能电池性能测试的一般规定
                2 GB 12632-90 单晶硅太阳能电池总规范
                3 GB/T 12936.2-1991 太阳能热利用术语第二部分(Solar energyThermal applicationsTerminology part 2)
                4 GB/T 12936.1-1991 太阳能热利用术语第一部分(Solar energyThermal applicationsTerminology part 1)
                5 GB/T 13877.3-2003 农林拖拉机和自走式机械封闭驾驶室第3部分:太阳能加热系统效率的确定(Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry--Operator enclosure environment--Part 3: Determination of effect of solar heating)
                6 GB/T 14007-92 陆地用太阳能电池组件总规范
                7 GB/T 14008-92 海上用太阳能电池组件总规范
                8 GB/T 14009-92 太阳能电池组件参数测量方法
                9 GB/T 17683.1-1999 太阳能在地面不同接收条件下的太阳光谱辐照度标准第1部分
                大气质量1.5的法向直接日射辐照度和半球向日射辐(Solar energy--Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions--Part 1: Direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1.5 )
                10 GB/T 18210-2000 晶体硅光伏(PV)方阵I-V特性的现场测量
                11 GB/T 18479-2001 地面用光伏(PV)发电系统概述和导则
                12 GB/T 19064-2003 家用太阳能光伏电源系统技术条件和试验方法(Solar home system specifications and test procedure)
                13 GB/T 19813-2005 太阳能突起路标
                14 GB 2297-89 太阳能光伏能源系∮统术语
                15 GB 2296-2001 太阳能电池型号命名方法
                16 GB/T 2680-1994 建筑玻璃可见光透射比、太阳光直接透射比、太阳能总透射比、紫外线透射比及有关窗玻璃参数的测定(Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors )
                17 GB 50364-2005 民用建筑太阳能热水系统应用技术规范
                18 GB/T 5137.4-2001 汽车安全玻璃太阳能透射比测定方法(Road vehicles--safety glazing materials--Method for the determination of solar transmittance)
                19 GB 6497-1986 地面用太阳能电池标定的一般规定
                20 GB 6495-86 地面用太阳能电池电性能测试方法
                21 GB/T 6495.1-1996 光伏器件第1部分
                22 GB/T 6495.2-1996 光伏器件第2部分
                23 GB/T 6495.3-1996 光伏器件第3部分
                24 GB/T 6495.4-1996 晶体硅光伏器件的I-V实测特性的温度和辐照度修正方法
                25 GB 9535-1998 陆地用太阳能电池组件环境试验方法(IEC61215)
                26 ANSI/ASTM E424-2002 片材的太阳能量传输性和反射性(陆地上)的试验方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials )
                27 ANSI/ASHRAE 96-1980 测定无釉平板液体型太阳能收集器的热性能的试验方法(Unglazed, Flat-Plate, Liquid-Type Solar Collectors, Methods of Testing to Determine Thermal Performance of)
                28 ANSI/ASAE S 423-1993 太阳能环境加热器的热性能试验(Thermal Performance Testing of Solar Ambient Air Heaters)
                29 ANSI/ASHRAE 109-1986 测定含有沸液的平板太阳能收集器的热性能的测试方法(Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors Containing a Boiling Liquid)
                30 ANSI/ASHRAE 93-1986 测定太阳能采集器热性能的试验方法(Solar Collectors, Method of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of)
                31 ASTM E 424-1971 簿板材料的太阳能传播和反射的试验方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials)
                32 ASTM E 823-1981 太阳能收集器非操作暴露和检验(Nonoperational Exposure and Inspection of a Solar Collector)
                33 ASTM D 3832-1979 太阳能系统中同液体接触的橡胶密封件规格(Rubber Seals Contacting Liquids in Solar Energy Systems)
                34 ASTM E 745-1980 太阳能加热和制冷系统中用传热液体的金属容器材料的腐蚀模拟维护试验(Simulated Service Testing for Corrosion of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Heat-Transfer Fluids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems)
                35 ASTM E 712-1980 太阳能加热和制冷系统中贮存液体用金属容器材料的实验室遮蔽(Laboratory Screening of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Liquids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems)
                36 ASTM E 1175-1987 用大直经积分球测定材料的太阳能或光反射性,透明性和吸收性的试验方法(Test Method for Determining Solar or Photopic Reflectance, Transmittance and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere)
                37 ASTM E 1160-1987 太阳能家用热水系统的现场检查和操作验证(On-Site Inspection and Verification of Operation of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems)
                38 ASTM E 1328-2003 与光电太阳能转换相关的标准术语(Standard Terminology Relating to Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion)
                39 ASTM D 3903-2003 太阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems)
                40 ASTM D 3771-2003 聚集型太阳能加热器用橡胶密封件的标准规范(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Concentrating Solar Collectors)
                41 ASTM E 490a-2000 标准太阳能常数和气团起始阳光能光谱辐照表(Standard Solar Constant and Zero Air Mass Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables)
                42 ASTM E 782-1995 在模拟操作模式下暴露于自然气候中的太阳能收集器覆盖材料的标准实施规程(Standard Practice for Exposure of Cover Materials for Solar Collectors to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Operational Mode)
                43 ASTM E 861-1994 太阳能收集器用绝热材料评定的标准实施规程(Standard Practice for Evaluating Thermal Insulation Materials for Use in Solar Collectors)
                44 ASTM E 881-1992 在模拟滞留模式下暴露于自然气候下的太阳能收集器挡盖材料的标准实施规程(Standard Practice for Exposure of Solar Collector Cover Materials to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Stagnation Mode)
                45 ASTM E 822-1992 用发射冰球法测定太阳能收集器覆盖材料对冰雹冲击抗力的标准实施规程(Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Solar Collector Covers to Hail by Impact With Propelled Ice Balls)
                46 ASTM E 972-1996 用阳光对薄板材料的太阳能光度透设比的测试方法(Standard Test Method for Solar Photometric Transmittance of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight)
                47 ASTM E 683-1991 一家和两家住房用太阳能空间加热系统的安装和维护(Installation and Service of Solar Space Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings)
                48 ASTM E 904-1987 太阳能收集器用全天热性能数据的形成(Generating All-Day Thermal Performance Data for Solar Collectors)
                49 ASTM E 781-1986 暴露在有盖板的太阳能收集器中模拟滞流的条件下太阳能内存材料的吸收性评定(Evaluating Absorptive Solar Receiver Materials When Exposed to Conditions Simulating Stagnation in Solar Collectors with Cover Plates)
                50 ASTM E 905-1987 追踪强化太阳能收集器热性能的试验方法(Test Method for Determining Thermal Performance of Tracking Concentrating Solar Collectors)
                51 ASTM E 971-1988 材料对太阳能辐射的光度透射比及反射比计算的标准实施规程(Standard Practice for Calculation of Photometric Transmittance and Reflectance of Materials to Solar Radiation)
                52 ASTM E 1089-1986 均匀的静气压差下平板太阳能收集器的透水性的试验方法(Test Method for Water Penetration of Flat Plate Solar Collectors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference)
                53 ASTM D 3667-1985 平板太阳能集热器用橡胶密封件(Rubber Seals Used in Flat-Plate Solar Collectors)
                54 ASTM E 1056-1985 一家和两家住房用太阳能家用热水设备的安装和维护(Installation and Service of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings)
                55 ASTM E 772-1987 有关太阳能转换的标准术语(Standard Terminology Relating to Solar Energy Conversion)
                56 ASTM E 1084-1986 用阳光测试薄板材料的太阳能传递性(地面上)的试验方法(Test Method for Solar Transmittance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight)
                57 ASTM E 744-1985 加热设备用太阳能吸收材料的评定(Evaluating Solar Absorptive Materials for Thermal Applications)
                58 ASTM D 3952-1987 太阳能系统用橡胶软管(Rubber Hose Used in Solar Energy Systems)
                59 BS DD ENV 12977-3-2001 太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.太阳能加热系统集热箱性能特征(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems)
                60 BS EN 12976-1-2001 太阳能热系统和组件.工厂制造系统.一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - General requirements)
                61 BS DD ENV 12977-2-2001 太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.试验方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Test methods)
                62 BS DD ENV 12977-1-2001 太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - General requirements)
                63 BS EN 12975-2-2001 热太阳能系统和组件.太阳能收集器.试验方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Test methods)
                64 DD ENV 12977-3-2001 太阳热能系统和组件.专用系统.太阳能加热系统存储的特性(Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems. Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems)
                65 BS EN 12976-2-2001 太阳能热系统和组件.工厂制造系统.试验方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Test m, e

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                • 太阳能试验规范列表(宏展科技)


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