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                教育装@ 备采购网


                教育装备采购←网 2012-07-11 09:17 围观343次

                  会议名称(中文): 2012年国际生物信息可视化研讨会

                  会议名称(英文): International Symposium Bioinformatics Visualization

                  所属学科: 生◆物信息学,计算机软件,计算机应用技术

                  开始日期: 2012-07-24

                  结束日期: 2012-07-27

                  所在国家: 中华人民共和国

                  所在城市: 台湾省 台北市


                  主办单位: National Chiao Tung University

                  联系人: Dr. Dennis P. Groth

                  E-MAIL: dgroth@indiana.edu

                  会议网站: http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/cgiv2012/BioViz.htm

                  会议背景介绍: Visualization is an important, and often necessary, part of Bioinformatics. Sequence alignment, gene expression data, NMR spectra, protein networks, for example, all rely heavily on interpreting the data visually--both for discovery and validation. Bioinformatics data are typically complex, and data sizes routinely run into the gigabyte and terabyte ranges. Thus, even traditionally tractable polynomial running times for algorithms are not practicable. Visualization in these cases is used to select subsets of data that can be more readily processed and analyzed. Bioinformatics tools are used by a wide array of scientists most of whom are not typically computer scientists. Therefore, interacting with not only the visualization components, but also using the tools on the whole must be made efficient and reasonably intuitive. Human Computer Interaction (HCI), the study of how to improve this digital/human interface is becoming a very important aspect of bioinformatics as well.

                  Visualization in bioinformatics offers many significant challenges, and success is likely to come from a joining of many disparate disciplines and areas including computer graphics, high performance computing, cognitive science, HCI, computer science, data mining, molecular biology, and so on.

                  We invite papers on these important challenges in visualization in Bioinformatics. Papers will be refereed, appear in the conference proceedings, and be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS : There is a tentative plan to select 5-7 high-quality papers that will be recommended for publication in a special visualization issue of well-known bioinformatics journal. TOPICS OF INTEREST:

                  Systems biology tools

                  Visualization of curation and annotation of genome data

                  Genome comparison visualization

                  Combining visual and computational methods of genome data exploration

                  High performance computing

                  Optimizations of existing visualizations e.g., dot plots

                  Visual querying of genome data

                  Collaborative visualization and mining for bioinformatics

                  Evaluation of visual data mining methods

                  Extensions of existing open tools e.g., cytoscape

                  HCI including case studies of bioinformatics visualization approaches

                  Cognitive approaches and explanations for visual data mining for bioinformatics

                  Surveys of existing tools

                来源:中︻国学术会议在线 我要投稿



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